So contagious is an inflammation of the vocal chords | Inflammation of the vocal chords

So contagious is an inflammation of the vocal chords

Inflammation of the vocal cords is caused either by mechanical irritation, when the voice is overstrained by long or loud speech, or by an infection. Inflammation of the vocal chords due to overuse is not contagious, whereas an infection is usually caused by bacteria or viruses and can easily be transmitted to other people. Infection of the vocal chords often occurs in the context of influenza or other upper respiratory tract diseases, such as pneumonia or whooping cough.

Coughing or sneezing is a common accompanying symptom of these diseases. The pathogens are released into the air with the secretion and can be transmitted to other people via droplet infection and cause vocal cord inflammation. Sick persons should be aware of the risk of infection for their fellow human beings and observe strict hygiene rules. These include thorough hand washing, keeping a distance from other people and coughing or sneezing only into handkerchiefs. Shaking hands should also be avoided for the duration of the illness.


At first, the patient should spare his voice and speak only little and quietly. However, whispering should not be used, as this puts additional strain on the vocal chords and does not protect them as expected. In addition, a renunciation of smoking, alcohol and hot spices is indicated.

Warm drinks and steam inhalations can also be recommended against the dry feeling and pain. Against the mucus, expectorants can help. If it is a bacterial inflammation, an antibiotic should also be prescribed.If, in addition to inflammation of the vocal chords, there is also inflammation of the paranasal sinuses or the respiratory tract, these should also be treated.

If the inflammation is based on an incorrect vocal technique, treatment by a speech therapist may be useful. This will help to improve the vocal technique and thus prevent a renewed irritation of the vocal chords. If the cause of the inflammation is a dusty environment, for example at work, exposure should be reduced as much as possible, for example by using breathing masks.

If reflux is present, drugs that inhibit acid production in the stomach should be taken. The pseudocroup should definitely be treated as an inpatient in order to monitor the respiratory distress. An administration of antibiotics against the bacterial infection is necessary.

If there is a threat of suffocation, it may be necessary to insert a breathing tube into the trachea (intubation) or a tracheotomy to ensure ventilation. An inflammation of the vocal cords can be caused by an infection, whereby viruses or bacteria are usually the triggers for the disease. Viral infections can only be treated symptomatically, whereas antibiotics must be taken in the case of bacterial inflammation.

If an inflammation of the vocal cords lasts for more than three weeks or if there is no improvement of the symptoms after two weeks, a doctor must be consulted. The doctor examines the vocal cords, takes a smear and can determine whether the inflammation is caused by bacteria and antibiotics are necessary. With which antibiotic an inflammation of the vocal cords is treated depends on the type of the triggering bacterium.

A common pathogen is the bacterium Streptococcus pneumoniae, which is treated with beta-lactam antibiotics, such as penicillin G, or cephalosporins, such as cefaclor, cefuroxime or cefatriaxone. Sprays containing the antibiotic Fusafungin act locally on the inflamed vocal cords and can be used in the case of vocal cord inflammation. In the case of drug therapy with antibiotics, it is important that a doctor prescribes the appropriate agent and that the patient adheres exactly to the type and duration of the intake, as otherwise serious side effects or the development of resistance can occur.

In cases of severe infections and if the patient does not respond to antibiotic therapy, it may be necessary to take preparations containing cortisone. Cortisone is an extremely effective endogenous hormone that has a strong anti-inflammatory effect. Due to numerous side effects, however, it may only be used carefully and exclusively on the doctor’s recommendation.

Inhalation is a good way to accelerate the healing of vocal cord inflammation. Herbal tea made from medicinal herbs such as Icelandic moss, camomile or marshmallow root is particularly suitable for this purpose. The hot tea is put into a bowl and inhaled under a cloth for about 15 minutes.

A saline solution can also be used for inhalation. To do this, put a tablespoon of salt into a bowl of hot water and dissolve it while stirring. Inhaling the hot vapors moistens the dry vocal chords and has a soothing effect.

Vocal chord inflammation and the hoarseness that accompanies it can be treated homeopathically. The choice of homeopathic medication is made according to the cause of the inflammation and the accompanying symptoms. Globules with the active ingredients Allium cepa (kitchen onion), Argentum nitricum (silver nitrate), Phosphorus and Ammonium bromatum (ammonium bromide) are used.

Doctors and pharmacists help to decide which globules are best suited for the individual patient. There are some old and proven home remedies that help to cure vocal cord inflammation. A simple tip is to drink enough liquid, preferably in the form of warm herbal teas.

Especially freshly brewed teas made from chamomile, Icelandic moss or marshmallow roots have a healing effect and calm the inflamed vocal chords. Drinking these teas moistens the mucous membranes and the vocal chords and soothes irritation. However, the tea should not be drunk too hot in order not to further damage the vocal chords.

The consumption of alcoholic beverages should be avoided for the duration of the disease. Cold drinks are also taboo in case of vocal cord inflammation, as is milk due to its mucus-forming effect. Instead of drinking the herbal tea, it can also be used for inhalation.

Also gargle solutions help to fight vocal chord inflammation. You can use salt water, herbal teas or diluted tea tree oil. Quark throat compresses have a cooling effect and help to reduce swelling in the inflamed throat area.The cool quark is spread directly on a kitchen towel, then the towel is wrapped and wrapped around the neck.

Warm potato or onion wraps also have a soothing effect on the inflamed vocal chords. Onions are among the medicinal plants and are often used for vocal cord inflammation because of their anti-inflammatory effect. The essential oils contained in the onion kill bacteria and accelerate the healing process.

To do this, a raw onion is cut into fine cubes and infused with hot water. You can sweeten the broth as you like. Honey is best suited for this, as it is also antibacterial and germicidal. Leave the brew in the refrigerator for several hours and drink it afterwards.