So It Works with the Bikini Figure

The summer stands before the door. The bikini is bought, the vacation booked only the bikini figure is not yet in sight. This is mainly the fault of one: the unloved ravenous appetite. Chocolate, cookies, gummy bears, potato chips, nuts or salted pretzels: it likes to tempt us with all of these until we give in at some point. How we get the cravings under control and do not lose sight of the bikini figure.

Why we get cravings

Keep your friends close and your enemies even closer. There is so much to this phrase. In order for us to successfully mess with the enemy ravenous hunger, we must first keep it close so that we can examine it from all sides. Only those who understand their ravenous appetite as well as their best friend will be successful in fighting it in the long term. This realization is the first step on the way to the bikini figure. The causes of ravenous appetite can be manifold. Sometimes the most common cause is the blood sugar level. When we eat, sugar enters the blood. Our blood sugar level rises and insulin is produced, which lowers the blood sugar level again. When eating sweets and white flour products, blood sugar rise is extreme and proceeds rapidly. However, the high level does not last long, but drops again just as quickly. This drop makes us develop cravings. A low blood glucose level also signals insufficient food intake to our body when we currently have a few pounds too much. To save us from starvation, our organism initiates the craving attack. Fortunately, by making the right food choices, we can let our body know that we are not starving. Instead of wheat flour products, put whole grain products, proteins or salad with ice cream and cheese on the menu. This will keep cravings to a minimum. In addition to poor nutrition, fatigue, constant stress or psychological problems can be responsible for the attacks. Caution: diseases can also be behind ravenous appetite, especially diseases of the thyroid gland. In case of doubt, consult your family doctor.

Hunger attacks during dieting

It’s spring or the beginning of summer. We are determined to achieve the bikini figure. For this reason, we have put together an extensive sports program and are on a strict diet. The first few days go well until, out of nowhere, we are hit by ravenous hunger. This time it can’t be due to eating wheat flour: after all, we’ve eliminated this fattening food from our diet. Where then does the gluttony for sweet, salty or fatty foods come from during the diet? In most cases, cravings during a diet are a sign of poor nutrition. Especially when diets are too one-sided, the body lacks important nutrients that are absolutely necessary for energy production and the maintenance of health. The most extreme diet is the zero diet. In this case, the body has a good right to demand food. Since we are also active in sports during diets, we run out of energy especially quickly during one-sided diets. Repeated cravings during diets therefore always take seriously and if necessary change the diet.

What to do when it overcomes you?

Of course, even in a reasonable diet will sometimes be a day that makes us suffer a craving attack: whether out of habit, because of a stressful day or boredom. Those who are attacked by cravings out of nowhere can defeat the attack with a few immediate measures. The best tip is to reach for peppermint gum. Fruit is less suitable: it also contains masses of sugar, which can result in another craving attack. Peppermint chewing gum, on the other hand, is spicy and heats up the cravings until they disappear. The most important immediate action, however, is not chewing gum, but distraction. Ideally, this distraction consists of exercise. This gets us that little bit closer to that bikini figure, and we forget that we were actually hungry. In addition, sports can relieve stress, which is often the primary cause of cravings. In some cases, we also misinterpret feelings of thirst as cravings. Therefore, drinking water can also often avert the attack.

Preventing cravings

In the best case, we don’t have to fight cravings at all because they don’t overtake us in the first place. Numerous preventive measures are available sleep, exercise and a balanced diet and adequate fluid intake.

Do not shop with hunger pangs

If you don’t have sweets, salty or fatty foods in the house, you can’t satisfy an onset of cravings anyway. Why do we buy then just during diets so many foods that can dispute us the bikini figure? Because we usually go shopping with a feeling of hunger. Who goes even with an acute ravenous appetite into the business, buys all kinds of Dickmacher. So before you go shopping, always eat something light to avoid returning home with unnecessary temptations. Enjoy food

Enjoy food

People who enjoy their food instead of gorging are less likely to have cravings. When eating, focus on the food and don’t entertain side activities. Eating with enjoyment makes people more satisfied, and satisfied people have less imperative appetites. Taking breaks from eating is also part of eating with enjoyment. A snack in the morning or afternoon is fine, but constant snacking stimulates cravings because of blood sugar movements.

No prohibitions when dieting

A diet with strict prohibitions only makes the forbidden foods more attractive. Ideally, we allow ourselves a small sin here and there. Small sins are best put on as desserts. If we have eaten something healthy beforehand, our blood sugar level rises more slowly and cravings are prevented.

7 Tips on how to curb your appetite.

Even independent of washed-out food cravings, we like to wish that we could better curb our appetite when dieting or in everyday life. In addition to time-honored tips such as water consumption, there are a few “mind tricks” available for this purpose. Here, in summary, are the most effective ones.

  • Simply imagine the consumption of certain foods in full detail. According to researchers, this helps curb cravings.
  • Eating from red plates. Red automatically signals a ban to people. Therefore, people are reluctant to eat from red dishes.
  • Load smaller portions on the plate. Even when we are no longer hungry, we eat fully loaded plates empty. After all, it was taught to us from an early age.
  • Soup before the main meal has a filling effect.
  • Proteins have an appetite-suppressing effect.
  • If you eat slowly, you eat less.
  • When hungry for sweets drink a glass of citrus water.

Sometimes giving in is better

Sure, an ideal bikini figure would be great. But let’s face it, it’s not vital. If you don’t take yourself too seriously, dieting is generally easier. This is especially true for permanent weight reduction and long-term appetite suppression. Especially when it comes to cravings, it’s important to rethink the bigger picture of dieting and take a less strict approach. With a little serenity and a loosening up of the diet plan, cravings usually take care of themselves.