Sodium and Chloride: Supply

The intake recommendations (D-A-CH reference values) of the German Nutrition Society (DGE) presented below are aimed at healthy people of normal weight. They do not refer to the supply of sick and convalescent people. Individual requirements may therefore be higher than the DGE intake recommendations (e.g., due to dietary habits, consumption of stimulants, long-term medication, etc.).

Estimated values for adequate intake

Age Natriuma Chlorida
(mg/day) (mg/day)
0 to under 4 months 130 300
4 to under 12 months 200 450
Children and teenagers
1 to under 4 years 400 600
4 to under 7 years 500 750
7 to under 10 years 750 1.150
10 to under 13 years 1.100 1.700
13 to under 15 years 1.400 2.150
15 to under 19 years 1.500 2.300
19 to under 25 years 1.500 2.300
25 to under 51 years 1.500 2.300
51 to under 65 years 1.500 2.300
65 years and older 1.500 2.300
Pregnant 1.500 2.300
Breastfeeding 1.500 2.300

a1 mmol sodium equals 23.0 mg; 1 mmol chloride equals 35.5 mg; 1 g table salt (NaCl) consists of 17 mmol each of sodium and chloride; NaCl (g) = Cl (g) x 1.66; 1 g NaCl = 0.6 g Cl or NaCl (g) = Na (g) x 2.54; 1 g NaCl = 0.4 g Na