Sodium Chloride Infusion Solution (0.9%)


Sodium chloride (0.9%) infusion solutions are commercially available in many countries from a variety of manufacturers (e.g., Fresenius, Sintetica, Braun).


The clear, colorless liquid contains 9 g of sodium chloride per liter of water.

Structure and properties

Sodium chloride (NaCl, Mr = 58.44 g/mol) is a white crystalline powder, colorless crystals or white beads. It has a salty taste (common salt) and is readily soluble in water.


Sodium chloride infusion solutions (ATC B05BB01) are used to replace water, sodium, and chloride. They are rarely used today as volume replacements in cases of extracellular fluid loss, in part because they do not contain all electrolytes, the chloride concentration is too high, and they do not contain bicarbonate. Instead, Ringer’s solutions and, for larger blood losses, colloids such as hydroxyethyl starch are used. The “physiological” saline solution is only approximately physiological because variations exist with respect to ion concentration, components as well as pH (e.g. Li et al., 2016; Reddi, 2013). Especially the chloride concentration is much higher compared to blood serum, and the pH is around 5.5 or even lower. This is another reason why the intake of large amounts can lead to adverse effects.


Sodium chloride infusion solutions can be used for fluid replacement, dehydration, mild shock, hyponatremia, hypochloremia, and as a carrier solution for electrolyte concentrates and pharmaceutical agents.


According to the Drug Guide. The solutions are administered intravenously as an infusion.


The solutions are contraindicated in the presence of hypervolemia, hypernatremia, hyperchloremia, and hypertonic dehydration. Refer to the drug label for complete precautions.


Glucocorticoids and ACTH may promote sodium retention with cardiac decompensation.

Adverse effects

NaCl infusion solutions are usually well tolerated. As with other infusions, possible adverse effects include venous irritation and thrombophlebitis.