Solariums: Sunlight from the Tube

Especially in winter and spring, many people are drawn to the solarium. Because brown skin looks beautiful and healthy. But behind the beautiful appearance hides an enormous protective and repair mechanism of the skin, our largest organ of all. The risk of developing skin cancer increases with every sunbath, because the ultraviolet rays – whether natural or artificial – damage the cells.

The skin – a sensitive organ

At about 1.7 square meters, it is our largest organ – the skin. And it is vulnerable, especially to radiation. 200,000 Germans contract skin cancer every year. According to information from the German Cancer Aid, this alarming figure is due to excessive exposure to the sun.

This is because the ultraviolet (UV) rays emitted by both the natural sun and solarium tubes alter the structure of cells. The genetic material of skin cells is damaged by UV-B rays in particular. But the fact is: people need sunlight, only how much is a very decisive factor in terms of health.

Risk skin cancer

The so healthy-looking tan is namely nothing more than a protective reaction of the skin. It becomes dramatic when a sunburn has occurred, from which the skin recovers after some time, although superficially. However, deep inside the skin cells, in the cell nuclei, where the genetic material is located, damage has occurred that needs to be repaired – in the worst case, the cells die.

The more frequently the skin is exposed to the stress of radiation, the less the cell’s own repair service functions, which also increases the risk of developing skin cancer.

Sunlight from the tube: healthy or unhealthy?

The tubes of the solariums contain only to a very small part of the particularly carcinogenic UV-B rays, the tanning effect is mainly achieved by a high UV-A component. That is higher in Solarien than with natural sunbeams, and according to information of the Federal Office for radiation protection just as harmful as UV B radiation.

In addition, proponents and opponents of solariums cite various arguments.

Do tanning beds have any health benefits?

Proponents of artificial sun, primarily the manufacturers of tanning beds, argue the health benefits of their equipment. As positive effects they put out that particularly in the winter the UV-B radiation of the Solarien promotes the education of the so important Vitamin D. That is correct and also important, because vitamin D ensures that calcium is stored in the bones – protection against osteoporosis.

In addition, solariums are attributed positive effects on the psyche, on sex life and a healing effect on skin problems.

Produce vitamin D better naturally

The German Cancer Aid counters that vitamin D is already produced when people walk outside for ten to fifteen minutes a day; in addition, the vitamin can be absorbed through food. At best, total body irradiation leads to rapid skin aging and premature wrinkling.

Who should not go to the solarium?

The Arbeitsgemeinschaft Dermatologische Prävention (Dermatological Prevention Working Group) as well as the Deutsche Krebshilfe (German Cancer Aid) advise the following group of people to avoid tanning beds and to be extremely careful when sunbathing “naturally”:

  • Children
  • People with many moles
  • People who are very fair-skinned and get sunburned quickly

As I said, the skin cells do not forget anything, and any sunburn, from childhood, is considered a risk factor for skin cancer.

Tips for sun-seekers

Solarium visits should only take place in moderation, more than 50 sunbaths a year are considered too much. The Federal Office for Radiation Protection even goes so far as to say that no one should expose themselves to UV radiation more than 50 times a year at all, whether on the beach or during a walk.

If the tanning bed absolutely has to be, one should in any case protect the eyes with appropriate glasses, avoid sunscreen and perfumes – because especially under the tanning bed sun can cause skin irritation, and that is an additional stress for the already stressed skin.