Sore Throat: Causes, Treatment & Help

Sore throat and general difficulty swallowing are a symptom not infrequently encountered in pathological changes in the mouth, throat and pharynx, especially in inflammation and colds.

What is a sore throat?

Sore throat and scratchy throat usually occur in the context of a cold or angina tonsillaris. However, laryngitis can also be a possibility. Sore throat refers to a scratchy and burning sensation in the upper respiratory tract, which often occurs as a harbinger of a flu-like infection. The throat and tonsils appear reddened, and it is not uncommon for swelling and painful swallowing to occur. The cause is usually a bacterial or viral infection in combination with a weakened immune system. If the inflammation also spreads to the larynx, severe hoarseness and even temporary loss of voice can be the result. Other possible causes of sore throat are irritation caused by harmful substances (smoking!) and speaking too loudly for too long. Depending on the specific cause, the disease usually subsides within a few days to a week without consequences.


In sore throats, bacteria, viruses and other germs in particular damage and irritate the mucous membranes in the throat. These then become inflamed and the throat can swell , ache and occasionally become red. In most cases, sore throats, along with scratchy throat, hoarseness and difficulty swallowing, are early signs of a cold or angina tonsillaris or other, usually harmless, infections. Furthermore, sore throat is often also accompanied by swollen tonsils, swelling of the lymph nodes, cough, runny nose, headache and fever. The diseases listed below can be considered as causes of sore throat.

Diseases with this symptom

  • Common cold
  • Epiglottitis
  • Reflux disease
  • Oral thrush
  • Flu
  • Diphtheria
  • Thyroiditis
  • Herpangina
  • Angina tonsillaris
  • Scarlet fever
  • Pfeiffer’s glandular fever
  • Measles

Diagnosis and course

Sore throat can not be called a disease, rather it is a symptom of a disease. To diagnose a sore throat does not require an independent diagnosis, because the affected person himself notices respectively indicates to the doctor that he feels pain in the throat. The doctor will perform examinations to identify the cause, especially if the sore throat is accompanied by difficulty swallowing. Using a spatula, he or she will look at the tonsils and inspect the mouth and throat for noticeable redness and other indications of disease. Palpation of the throat is also possible to detect swelling of the lymph nodes. As a rule, scratching in the throat is the first sign of a subsequent sore throat. Irritated mucous membranes including mucus and difficulty swallowing subsequently occur.


When thinking of a sore throat, everyone thinks of a cold or flu-like infection. Sometimes harmless sore throats develop into various complications only after some time. Infections in the throat often penetrate into deeper regions of the respiratory tract. It can lead to inflammation of the trachea, bronchi or even pneumonia. Children suffer particularly frequently from tonsillitis. Here, there is a risk of respiratory distress due to swelling tonsils or swelling of the epiglottis. In the case of a purulent tonsillitis, pus foci (abscesses) form on the tonsils within a few days. In rare cases, these lead to the mouth no longer being able to be opened properly (lockjaw or lockjaw). Immediate medical attention is necessary here! Streptococcal infection can also lead to myocarditis. This dreaded late complication manifests itself with sudden onset of weakness and massive chest pain. Because of the risk of myocarditis, physical exertion and sports should generally be avoided during a cold! Sore throat, which appears suddenly and very massively after having survived a cold, indicates lateral gangrene. These are lymphatic ducts that run downward on both sides of the throat. They occur on either the right or left side. The defenses of the pharyngeal mucosa are usually still weakened and the bacteria in the form of pneumococci or staphylococci thus find ideal conditions.If treatment is unsuccessful and severe sore throat recurs, there is a risk of middle ear infection, rheumatic fever, kidney inflammation, rheumatoid arthritis or, in the worst case, sepsis (blood poisoning) in the further course. However, the latter occurs extremely rarely.

When should you go to the doctor?

If the sore throat is extremely severe or lasts longer than three days, a visit to the doctor is recommended. This is especially true if children or people with weakened immune systems (for example, seniors or people with pre-existing conditions) are affected. The cause should also be clarified by a physician if other symptoms such as high fever, poor general condition or severe difficulty swallowing are also present. The same applies if the tonsils are severely swollen and reddened or if there is lockjaw. Often the lymph nodes in the neck are also clearly swollen or the sore throat is accompanied by abdominal pain and/or nausea. A visit to an ear, nose and throat specialist is essential in these cases – however, the family doctor can also be the first point of contact and refer the patient to a specialist if necessary. In the case of a mild sore throat that accompanies a flu-like infection, it is often sufficient to take painkilling, over-the-counter medications from the pharmacy. Home remedies can also provide relief in these cases. If the sore throat sets in very suddenly or only on one side, on the other hand, a doctor should be consulted as soon as possible.

Treatment and therapy

Mild sore throats should not be treated at all at first. They usually pass away on their own after a few days. Almost always, sore throats are treated by the sufferers themselves. Over-the-counter medications for this purpose are available at any pharmacy, which will also be happy to provide further advice. In most cases, remedies are used that have an anesthetic, anti-inflammatory, disinfectant, antibacterial or soothing effect. Contrary to popular belief, lozenges or gargles are beneficial, but they do not shorten the duration of sore throat. Home remedies are also effective, which can relieve the discomfort from warm chamomile or sage tea. If the sore throat lasts longer (more than seven days) or becomes increasingly severe, a doctor should be consulted. Usually additional warning signs are accompanying shortness of breath. The doctor will then conduct a thorough examination of the exact symptoms and previous illnesses, as well as allergies and medications taken. The patient’s smoking and drinking habits should also play an important role. The doctor’s examination of the inside of the throat using a wooden spatula and a lamp is a well-known procedure. Here he checks whether the throat is inflamed and whether the tonsils are enlarged. A swab can provide further causes in the form of possible pathogens in the laboratory. For example, angina tonsillaris or streptococcus bacteria. Often the lungs are listened to with a stethoscope, so that a differential diagnosis can exclude or confirm further findings. In the case of a sore throat caused by bacteria, antibiotics prescribed by the doctor are useful. Surgery should be performed only in the case of tonsillitis.

Outlook and prognosis

Sore throat usually occurs as a secondary symptom of a cold and flu and does not necessarily need to be treated and examined by a doctor. It is quite sufficient if the affected person takes it easy on the throat, drinks tea and takes throat lozenges. In most cases, this results in a positive course of the disease, even without therapy by the doctor. Ideally, the patient should not talk or sing much. The sore throat can occur before and after the cold as an accompanying symptom for up to a week. If the sore throat is very severe, a doctor should be consulted. In these cases, an ordinary increase in eating and drinking is no longer possible, which greatly reduces the quality of life. A doctor should also be consulted if treatment with home methods is not successful. In these cases, the sore throat can lead to a worse problem. Treatment of sore throat at the doctor’s office is done with medications and sprays that are sprayed into the throat. The medications are usually antibiotics to prevent the development of tonsillitis and pneumonia. In most cases, however, the sore throat disappears on its own, so there is no need to see a doctor.


Sore throat, in the context of colds, can not be prevented. However, the prevention of the causes of a cold is quite preventable. A healthy diet, as well as plenty of exercise in the fresh air and sauna can thus be used indirectly as a preventive measure against sore throat.

Home remedies and herbs against sore throat

  • Before the common cold or a cold, sore throat are often disturbing symptoms. Rapid relief brings several times a day rinse with chamomile tea. In addition, change diet to raw food.

What you can do yourself

Various measures help to relieve sore throat. Sucking pastilles with hyaluronic acid or Icelandic moss are useful. They form a film on the mucous membrane and protect against irritation and a renewed attack of pathogens. Saline lozenges protect against dehydration of the mucous membrane. The immune system can fight the pathogens better. Saline lozenges are particularly suitable for people who have to stay in smoky rooms or in rooms with dry heating air. Sucking ice cubes can also relieve pain. Viruses can be washed away by gargling solutions. This mechanically removes pathogens from the mucous membrane. Gargles with salt water, for example, are useful. In the case of sore throat, blood circulation should be specifically promoted. This helps the immune system to fight off viruses. Inhalations and teas with medicinal plants such as sage are useful. The tannins of sage protect the mucous membrane, and the essential oil has a disinfecting effect. Patients with sore throat should drink enough. They should also eat a soft, non-irritating diet. In the acute phase, one or two days of rest are recommended. The air in the home should be well humidified, especially in winter, and cigarettes should be avoided. A scarf or neck wrap is also useful. Especially the neck and chest should be kept warm. Sweating is to be avoided in the process.