Soul and Food: Chocolate as a Comfort Food

In addition, the influence of our psychological situation on the choice of food and the frequency of meals should not be underestimated. If children are inconsolable because they have fallen while playing or the playmate does not want to give up the favorite toy, something sweet usually helps to dry up the flow of tears.

Increase well-being through food

Even in adulthood, some sorrow, loneliness and boredom can be alleviated with chocolate. Thereby the increase of the well-being results not only from the taste experience. The ingredients of chocolate cause certain substances to be released in our brain that are good for our mental state. These include, for example, endorphins, which create a feeling of happiness and satisfaction.

But other foods that we consume with pleasure also trigger this satisfaction and help us get over many a frustration. If we have to embalm our soul too often with chocolate or other treats, this may eventually make itself felt on the scales.

Food against stress

Stress is an integral part of our everyday lives. It can be good and necessary in moderation, but too much stress can take a significant toll on us mentally and physically. Many compensate for severe stress by eating more than usual. Eating has a relaxing effect and so in stressful situations we often eat more.

Scientists have shown that especially people who are constantly on a diet and strongly control their food tend to “stuff” all available food into themselves under stress. Apparently, the body is so stressed by self-imposed control and overcoming the body’s own regulatory mechanisms that added stress causes this system to break down.

After a ravenous appetite attack, the feelings of guilt usually come posthaste and such a beautiful thing as food gives us a real roller coaster of emotions.

Tips against “stress eating”

If our feelings such as stress, frustration, sorrow, loneliness and boredom tempt us too much to eat, this can result in uncontrolled weight gain. Unfortunately, we are usually not enticed to reach for fruits and vegetables; instead, chocolate, chips and other high-calorie delicacies serve as soul comforts. These tips can help avoid stress eating:

  • A first step is to become aware of the situations in which you increase your grip and which foods are then preferred. So you get to know your own eating behavior better and can specifically consider alternatives.
  • Just try the following: You feel stressed or frustrated at work. Normally, you would reach for the stash of chocolate in your desk to calm down. Instead, why not take a short time out and go for a walk or run up and down a few flights of stairs?
  • Exercise causes us to breathe more deeply, the body is then better supplied with oxygen. In addition, exercise also results in the release of hormones, including endorphins, which contribute to our well-being.