Special features for babies and toddlers | Ingrown toenail

Special features for babies and toddlers

The ingrown toenail in babies can not only be caused by improper nail care, but also occurs congenital. This is caused by an applied excessive bending of the nail plate, where the nail prefers to grow outwards rather than upwards. The increased growth of the nail wall during the development of the child can also lead to this.

If there is a hint that it is an inborn phenomenon, the family history can provide information about it. Another indication could be that several nails are affected. It should then make one think of syndromal diseases.

This suspicion is strengthened if, apart from the nail, other malformations, for example on the hair, are also noticeable. It is recommended to have the nail surgically treated until the age of two. The course and prognosis of the disease is determined by the underlying disease.

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