Special forms of the symptom diarrhea: | Symptoms of diarrhea

Special forms of the symptom diarrhea:

Paradoxical (false) diarrheaThe total amount of stool is not increased here, i.e. max. 250 grams per day, whereby the individual stools are watery and the stool frequency is increased. This occurs mainly in cases of intestinal constriction, e.g. colon cancer, as only small amounts of stool can pass through the constriction.

Irritation of the intestinal mucosa causes an increased amount of water to be added to the stool. Due to the long retention time of the stool in the intestine, fermentation by the intestinal bacteria occurs, which is why the stool smells very bad. PseudodiarrheaIn this case, the total amount of stool is increased (more than 250g/day) and the individual stools are normally shaped. This is common in irritable bowel syndrome.

Accompanying symptoms of diarrhea during pregnancy

In pregnant women, diarrhea is more often accompanied by weakness, general malaise and abdominal pain. Especially in the case of prolonged diarrhea, the severe loss of water causes a drop in blood pressure with dizziness, indisposition and weakness. The risk of collapse is then also increased.

Pregnant women should therefore take great care to drink enough. If the condition persists for a longer period of time, a doctor should also be consulted at an early stage. The pharmacist or doctor can provide more detailed information about the use of certain medicines during pregnancy.

Accompanying symptoms of diarrhea in children

Diarrheal diseases in infants and babies are more often accompanied by fever. In addition, even small amounts of fluid loss can lead to threatening symptoms of reduced water content (dehydration). These includeB. :

  • Flabbiness and drowsiness
  • Changes in the heart rhythm and
  • Cramps

Symptoms of EHEC infection

An infection with the Entero- Hemorragic Eschericia coli bacterium can lead to severe, bloody diarrhea. The bacterium produces toxins, which lead to the destruction of the intestinal wall and blood vessels. Vessels in the kidneys and brain are also damaged by the toxins.

This can lead to hemolytic-uremic syndrome (HUS) in the course of the infection, which can be accompanied by acute kidney failure (no more urine production with accumulation of toxic substances in the blood) and also by disorders of the nervous system. In babies and children, HUS is a complication of EHEC infection and is more common. For more information about an infection with the EHEC pathogen, see:EHEC – What is it?