Special information about Diclofenac Ointment | Diclofenac Ointment

Special information about Diclofenac Ointment

According to the manufacturer, Diclofenac ointment should only be used after the age of 14. Furthermore, special care should be taken when treating pain during pregnancy. If in the past Diclofenac has already caused breathing difficulties, other breathing difficulties or skin reactions such as hives, the use of Diclofenac Ointment should be avoided in any case.

Diclofenac Ointment is available without a prescription but is only available in pharmacies. This means that no prescription is necessary for the purchase but the delivery may only be made through authorized pharmacies. If used for several days, the symptoms should usually subside or disappear completely.

If this is not the case or if the symptoms even worsen, a doctor should be consulted in any case, as they could be more serious causes of the complaints that need to be treated otherwise. If the symptoms are not sufficiently relieved by the use of Diclofenac Ointment, an alternative treatment with Diclofenac Tablets 25 mg can be attempted. Dicofenac Ointment is not subject to prescription.

It can therefore also be purchased without a prescription. However, it is pharmacy-only and can therefore only be purchased in a local pharmacy or online pharmacy, not in a drugstore. The use of Diclofenac ointment in children under the age of 14 is not recommended.

No direct harmful effects are to be expected, as the active ingredient is mainly effective in the skin area where the ointment is applied. However, there is not enough experience, for example from scientific studies, to provide assurance that the use of Diclofenac Ointment is safe for children.In children and adolescents over 14 years of age, however, the ointment can also be used for short-term treatment of muscular or joint-related pain, just like in adults.