Special problems of immunocompromised patients | Skin fungi

Special problems of immunocompromised patients

In immunocompromised patients, fungal infections pose a particular risk. Immunocompromised patients are patients who are currently receiving chemotherapy or are just recovering from chemotherapy. People who suffer from a disease of the immune system also have weaker defenses.

This includes not only patients who suffer from HIV but also people who have a congenital disorder of the immune system. This is particularly noticeable in the case of so-called opportunistic diseases. These include the inflammation of the oral mucosa caused by the yeast fungus Candida (oral thrush).

This disease can occur because the natural flora of the oral mucosa can no longer be kept under control by the defective immune system. Thus, the fungi can multiply and cause an inflammation. It is important to note that the anti-fungal drugs (antimycotics) can also become ineffective.

The more often the medication is used against the fungus, the higher is the probability that the fungus develops resistance to the medication. Therefore, in immunocompromised patients with recurring fungal infections, special attention must be paid to the administration of the medication with regard to the development of resistance.