Special situations | Inflammation of the wisdom tooth

Special situations

During pregnancy all tissues become softer, so that in the oral cavity there are also easier loopholes for bacteria, which can easily cause inflammation. Therefore, dentists recommend having problematic and unfavorably located wisdom teeth removed before pregnancy, since otherwise the hormonal changes in these areas can cause inflammation. If an inflammation occurs nevertheless, it must be decided whether the wisdom teeth should be removed during pregnancy, as this is associated with anesthesia, possibly an antibiotic cover, as well as stress for mother and the unborn child.

The most stable phase for dental surgery is the second trimester, when such a procedure can be performed with the least risk. In general, it is advisable to complete all dental procedures before a planned pregnancy, including the removal of unfavorably located wisdom teeth. A jaw clamp describes a blockage of the normal mouth opening.

This lockjaw can be caused by an inflamed wisdom tooth because the inflammatory cells have a tendency to spread and take on cystic forms. Since every inflammatory reaction is accompanied by swelling, there may be a lack of space at the jaw angle. This hinders especially the masticatory muscles.

The pterygoideus lateralis muscle, which is the only chewing muscle responsible for opening the mouth, is pressed in by the inflammation and can no longer develop its full effect, resulting in a restricted opening of the mouth or a complete jaw clamp. The lockjaw disappears when the focus of the inflammation and the swelling is removed. An inflammation that exists directly behind the wisdom teeth is usually caused by too little space for the wisdom teeth.

Because the tooth cannot break through straight because there is no space, it tilts forward and breaks through only partially. The mucous membrane forms a hood and thus offers a loophole for bacteria and food remains. Furthermore, the wisdom teeth can press on the front teeth in such a position and move them.

This results in pain of a pressure quality and in addition to that in an inflammation caused by bacteria. If the patient does not visit the dentist promptly, there is a risk that the inflammatory cells will penetrate the bone and cause a cyst or abscess to develop. A cyst is a cavity lined with epithelial cells that was previously not present. This cavity is filled with fluid and sometimes with dead epithelial cells. Therapeutically, the pus of the abscess must be drained and the cyst must be removed from the bone together with the wisdom tooth.