Sperm Allergy: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

A semen allergy is a rare allergic reaction to male semen. Like any other allergy, it results from sensitization of the immune system to certain proteins in semen. Antihistamines are an acute cure, while desensitization is a possible permanent cure for the allergy.

What is a sperm allergy?

Although it is very rare, allergic reactions to semen exist, both in women and men. This semen allergy occurs when the body’s immune system identifies the proteins in semen as hostile invaders, such as viruses or bacteria. The allergic reaction should be noticed after oral, vaginal or anal sex without a barrier (e.g. condom). Sperm allergy is less common in men than in women, but they may also notice an allergic reaction during sex with other men, or even be allergic to their own semen. Symptoms vary, with many sufferers noticing itching, redness and stinging. A sperm allergy can lead to fertility problems because the white blood cells can prevent the sperm from reaching the eggs.


Typically, a sperm allergy does not become noticeable the first time a person comes in contact with sperm. Most people can come into contact with semen several times before an allergy develops. The immune system sensitizes over a period of time and the white blood cells develop immunoglobulin E; an antibody to the protein in semen. Once these antibodies have formed, they react the next time sperm enters the body and bind to the protein cells. They also cause the release of certain chemicals, e.g. histamine, which cause redness, itching, stinging, swelling, i.e. the usual allergic reactions. People who are allergic to their partner’s sperm are usually allergic to any sperm. Heterosexual men can also develop an allergy to their own sperm. This usually happens when it comes into contact with their blood, such as during a vasectomy.

Symptoms, complaints, and signs

Sperm allergy manifests as an allergic reaction upon contact with sperm. However, it is not the sperm that is the allergen, but a certain protein in the seminal fluid, which is common to all men. The allergic reactions usually occur in affected women between 10 and 30 minutes after contact with the allergen. Symptoms similar to those of hay fever may occur. This includes sneezing, watery eyes, runny nose and breathing problems. However, contact reactions in the intimate area are much more pronounced. Thus, itching, pain, swelling, redness and rashes may occur here. Some women report persistent contractions of the vagina after possible contact with the ejaculate. Vomiting or diarrhea may occur. Vegetative symptoms may persist for a long time. In the worst case, contact with the allergen leads to anaphylactic shock. This usually means circulatory arrest, damage to the internal organs and a high risk of death. Men can also suffer from sperm allergy, and the symptoms in them are the same as in women. They may also experience flu-like symptoms. However, they go through these symptoms anew with every ejaculation. In all observed cases, the allergy is limited to the patient’s own ejaculate. Foreign ejaculate did not cause any symptoms.

Diagnosis and course

When a sperm allergy is suspected, the affected person is usually given a skin test or a special immunoglobulin test. Affected individuals who experience anaphylaxis from the allergy should be treated immediately with epinephrine. In a skin test, the patient’s skin is lightly scratched or pricked and exposed to the allergen. If the patient has a sperm allergy, it will show up as redness of the skin, similar to a mosquito bite. The doctor will measure the intensity of the swelling and thus the allergy. A special immunoglobulin test to determine allergy is much less accurate than a skin test and is usually only used if the patient has a serious skin condition.


A sperm allergy does not have to lead to special compilations or to discomfort in every case. These only occur when the affected person comes into contact with semen.This may cause redness and itching of the skin. Pain may also occur and the skin appears swollen. Furthermore, the symptoms increase if contact with the semen is not interrupted. In most cases, the symptoms disappear again on their own when contact is interrupted. In severe cases, however, treatment by an emergency physician is necessary to alleviate the discomfort. Especially in the case of already existing skin complaints, the sperm allergy can lead to serious discomfort and considerably reduce the quality of life. Likewise, the sperm allergy can have a negative effect on the relationship with one’s partner, possibly leading to tension. Treatment of this allergy is not necessary in every case. However, sensitization can be performed to alleviate the symptoms. In this case, no complications occur. The life expectancy of the affected patient is also not negatively affected by the disease.

When should one go to the doctor?

As a rule, sperm allergy must always be treated by a doctor. There can be no self-healing, so the affected person is dependent on medical treatment. A doctor should be consulted if the patient shows the signs of an allergy or allergic reaction when coming into contact with semen. This may include severe sniffling, sneezing or even severe breathing difficulties. Itching or redness on the skin can also indicate sperm allergy upon contact with semen and should definitely be examined by a doctor. In severe cases, severe diarrhea or even vomiting may also occur. Some affected people also show the symptoms of flu, which should also be examined in case of contact with semen. As a rule, a sperm allergy can be diagnosed by a general practitioner. Further treatment is then usually carried out by an allergist. However, it cannot be predicted whether a complete cure is possible.

Treatment and therapy

As a temporary cure for sperm allergy, desensitization is used. In this method, the patient is exposed to an increasing substance of allergens over a period of time to accustom the body to the semen. Women who want to become pregnant may have to undergo artificial insemination if this desensitization is unsuccessful. Allergy medications such as antihistamines are also used to control symptoms. If pregnancy is not to be achieved, barrier sex is recommended, such as using a condom. In artificial insemination, a sample of the sperm is taken and the specific allergen is removed from the sample. This allergen-free sample is then introduced into the woman’s uterus. Desensitization is accomplished either by targeted administration of the partner’s semen into the woman’s vagina, or by injection of the allergen into the partner’s bloodstream at short intervals.


There is currently no effective prevention of sperm allergy. But there are some ways to reduce symptoms. Before sex, allergic sufferers can take antihistamines to reduce symptoms during and after sex. Wearing condoms also reduces contact with semen and thus symptoms. People prone to anaphylaxis should always carry an epinephrine pen and instruct friends and relatives to use it.


Sperm allergy represents a disease that is still poorly understood. Scheduled follow-up rarely occurs after a diagnosis. Patients are responsible for implementing and taking all measures themselves. Many physicians suspect that sperm allergy is not curable. To prevent the effects of the symptoms, women can protect themselves by having their sexual partner use a condom. This represents the simplest and most effective aftercare for sperm allergy. This measure is also suitable for partnerships between men. In addition, mild forms of the disease usually pass without problems if allergy-suppressing medications are used. Unlike after a tumor disease, sperm allergy is therefore not a matter of preventing the recurrence of a disease. It is known to persist permanently. Rather, the aim is to support patients in coping with their everyday lives.Complications such as allergic shock should be avoided. The permanent treatment provides for the use of a condom or suitable medication. A high degree of personal responsibility is demanded of those affected. The effects of careless actions on the partner should not be underestimated.

What you can do yourself

People with a sperm allergy can take care in everyday life independently and on their own responsibility not to come into contact with the body fluids of the man. In particular, contact of semen with the skin should be avoided in affected individuals. At the first touches, the sperm should be washed off as quickly as possible and immediately with running water. A cleansing of the body should take place so that, if possible, the allergic reactions do not appear at all or only minimally. Simply wiping off the semen is not sufficient, as individual elements of the body fluid will nevertheless remain on the surface of the skin and lead to unpleasant health developments. During sexual activities, the use of a condom must always be ensured. In these cases, the condom is used not only as a contraceptive to protect against possible pregnancy, but also to avoid closer contact with the body fluid and thus risk anaphylactic shock. The partner should be informed of the presence of the allergy prior to intimate contact. Education about the possible health consequences should take place at an early stage to avoid unpleasant situations or lack of understanding on the part of the partner. If men suffer from the sperm allergy, they should make sure to change their underwear regularly. In addition, good personal hygiene is important in dealing with the allergy.