Spondyloarthritis: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Spondyloarthritis is an inflammatory rheumatic disease that particularly affects the vertebral joints. It occurs mainly in men and is manifested by back pain and stiffening of the spine. The disease is chronic and cannot be completely cured.

What is spondyloarthritis?

The term spondyloarthritis is used by physicians to describe an inflammatory disease that primarily affects the vertebral joints. It occurs in the context of rheumatic diseases and can affect both the spine itself and other joints in the body of the affected person. There are different types of the disease. It is manifested by symptoms such as deep-seated back pain, joint stiffness, swelling of the joints of the fingers or toes, and, in the later stages, rounding of the back caused by stiffening of the spine. Among the patients suffering from spondyloarthritis, 70% are men between the ages of 20 and 40. Spondyloarthritis is a chronic disease that is quite treatable but not curable.


The causes for the occurrence of spondyloarthritis have not yet been clearly determined. However, scientists suspect that the disease may be based on a genetic predisposition. Research has shown that about 90% of all patients with spondyloarthritis have a malformation of the HLA-B27 gene. This is a protein complex that is found in almost all human cells. If a mutation of this gene occurs, it can result in certain autoimmune diseases. The development of spondylarthritis is also attributed to this genetic factor. It is also striking that the occurrence of the disease often runs in families. Several cases of diagnosed spondyloarthritis in the family can therefore mean that even currently symptom-free offspring will later suffer from the disease.

Typical symptoms and signs

  • Back pain
  • Low back pain
  • Morning joint stiffness
  • Heel pain
  • Hunchback with stiffening of the spine

Diagnosis and course

Spondyloarthritis can be diagnosed by the treating physician in different ways. In early stages, imaging techniques such as X-ray examinations often provide no findings. In the later course, on the other hand, bony outgrowths are visible at the affected joints. Patients usually experience pain when tapping the spine. The following criteria in particular have been introduced for the reliable diagnosis of spondylarthritis: persistent back pain for more than three months, restricted movement in the lumbar spine, and reduced breathing width (chest circumference during deep inhalation and exhalation). If spondylarthritis remains untreated, it leads to more severe pain in the further course, which is associated with significant movement restrictions. As a result, it can lead to such things as inability to work and a decrease in quality of life in general.


First and foremost, those affected by spondylarthritis suffer from severe pain. These occur thereby particularly in the back or in the back and affect thereby very negatively the quality of life of the concerning. In many cases, the pain also spreads to the groin or neck. If the pain occurs at night, it leads to sleep problems and thus to irritability of the patient and possibly to depression. Restrictions in movement and everyday life may also occur. Furthermore, those affected suffer from difficulty walking due to pain in the heel. If spondyloarthritis is not treated, the pain may worsen, making the sufferer unable to work and further decreasing the quality of life. The pain can be treated in spondyloarthritis primarily with the help of painkillers. This does not result in complications. However, prolonged use of painkillers can also damage the stomach. Furthermore, patients depend on various exercises and therapies. It may also be necessary to fit an artificial joint to permanently limit the symptoms. The patient’s life expectancy is usually not reduced by spondyloarthritis.

When should you see a doctor?

As a rule, spondylarthritis always requires medical treatment by a doctor. Since this disease cannot heal itself and the symptoms usually continue to worsen if left untreated, a doctor should be consulted at a very early stage. A complete cure of spondylarthritis is not possible, although an early start of therapy can still have a positive effect on the further course of spondylarthritis. A doctor should be consulted if the affected person suffers from very severe pain in the back or lower back. As a rule, this pain occurs mainly in the morning after waking up. Pain in the heel can also be an indication of the disease and should be examined by a doctor if it occurs over a long period of time and does not disappear on its own. Furthermore, many sufferers also suffer from restrictions in their movement and thus also in their everyday life. In the case of spondylarthritis, an orthopedist or a general practitioner can be consulted. The treatment itself depends on the exact symptoms and their severity. As a rule, the patient’s life expectancy is not limited by this disease.

Treatment and therapy

If spondyloarthritis has been diagnosed, the first priority in the following treatment is usually to relieve the pain. In most cases, this is done with the help of painkillers, antirheumatic drugs or so-called muscle relaxants (drugs that relax the muscles). Cold applications and, if necessary, electrotherapy can also help to relieve the affected person’s pain. In addition, physiotherapeutic treatment should always take place. This can help to maintain the patient’s mobility over a longer period of time. The ability to work can also be maintained for longer than without appropriate treatment. Both drug and physiotherapeutic therapy for spondylarthritis must be permanent in order to slow down the progression of the disease as much as possible. If permanent swelling and hardening or wear and tear of the joints has already occurred, surgery must be performed, for example to insert an artificial joint replacement. Spondyloarthritis is a chronic disease that usually progresses quite slowly, but it is not curable.


Since spondyloarthritis is a genetic disease, prevention in the true sense is not possible. However, persons with a family history of the disease should consult a physician regularly in order to initiate rapid treatment of initial symptoms, if necessary. The same applies if symptoms occur that could be caused by spondylarthritis. The earlier the disease is detected and treated, the slower it will progress, which can significantly improve the quality of life of the affected person.


Since spondyloarthritis cannot heal on its own, the person affected by this disease should see a doctor at the first signs and symptoms. In many cases, the measures of direct aftercare are significantly limited, so that in the first place an early diagnosis must be made. A complete cure is usually not possible. Some of the symptoms can be relatively well alleviated with the help of physiotherapy or physical therapy. The affected person can also repeat some of the exercises at home and thus also accelerate the healing process. Furthermore, the intake of various medications is often very important. The patient should always ensure that the medication is taken regularly and in the correct dosage. In case of side effects, uncertainties or questions, a doctor should be consulted first. Not infrequently, the help of one’s own family is also very important. Compassionate conversations can prevent depression and other psychological upsets. Spondyloarthritis does not usually reduce the life expectancy of the affected person.

Here’s what you can do yourself

If possible, sufferers of spondyloarthritis should avoid being overweight to avoid putting additional stress on the joints. While there is no specific diet to treat this condition, there are certain foods that can lead to symptom relief. In general, a diet is recommended that helps patients to have a positive influence on the chronic inflammatory processes in the body.Fatty acids and high-quality fats are particularly important for patients with spondylarthritis. The omega-6 fatty acid “arachidonic acid” is an important starting point for the production of pro-inflammatory substances in the body of those affected. Arachidonic acid is found above all in increased amounts in animal foods. Patients should therefore consume only small amounts of fatty sausages and meats. The rule of thumb is that patients should not eat more than a maximum of two meat meals per week. In addition, a restriction of two eggs a week is recommended, because eggs also contain a high proportion of omega-6 fatty acid. In general, the diet should be very varied and rich in vegetable fats as well as fiber. Because to fight the inflammatory processes, the body needs especially many minerals and vitamins. In addition, it is recommended to integrate light exercise into everyday life. This helps in maintaining one’s mobility as well as reducing pain.