Sports for Menière’s disease | Meniere’s disease – What is it?

Sports for Menière’s disease

Since acute attacks of Meniere’s disease are accompanied by severe dizziness, it will hardly be possible to do any sports during an attack. But in stable phases, sporting activities should no longer be a problem. Even during long-term treatment, it is recommended to do sports and physical activity.

This can have a positive effect on the balance, metabolism and general well-being. The function of the muscles and the sense of touch can also be strengthened through sport, which can be helpful for patients with the disease. In particular, the leg muscles should be built up, as patients often tend to lunge and fall during dizzy spells.

These falls and lunges can be better cushioned by a stable musculature of the legs. Also the increased well-being and the reduction of stress through sports help to avoid stress situations, which in turn can trigger seizures. The neurotransmitter (messenger substance) serotonin is released, which leads to a feeling of happiness and reduces tension and stress.

Overall, it can be said that sport is certainly helpful in Menière’s disease, as long as it is compatible with the disease. Swimming or cycling involves certain dangers, as in the case of an acute attack, life can be in danger. For this reason, it is better to do these types of sports in company.

Driving with Meniere’s disease?

Meniere’s disease patients are only partially suitable for driving a car due to balance disorders. The big problem here is that the dizzy spells sometimes occur without a sign. They are therefore also unpredictable and can therefore surprise the driver during a drive.

For this reason, those affected should refrain from driving a motor vehicle so as not to pose a danger to road traffic. Of course, their own health is also of interest here. On the other hand, there are cases in which a seizure is announced by signs (reduced hearing, tinnitus, feeling of pressure in the ear).

The prerequisite for suitability in road traffic is that within a longer observation period only Menière’s seizures with signs occurred, so that the affected road users can withdraw from road traffic in case of doubt. In this case, however, an expert medical opinion is required and the decision is made on a case-by-case basis.