Sports in case of arthrosis of the ankle | Ankle Joint Arthrosis

Sports in case of arthrosis of the ankle

Arthrosis of the ankle joint is, in contrast to most other joint arthroses of the body, a disease that often affects young people. Sports injuries are the most common cause of ankle arthrosis. Here, ankle fractures in particular are regarded as known triggers of the disease.

If there is a tendency to develop an ankle joint arthrosis, incorrect sports activity and overweight can increase wear and tear on the joint. Whether exercise is recommended in the presence of ankle arthrosis depends on the individual degree of progression of the disease and the type of sport practiced. A general ban on sports cannot be imposed, since lack of exercise accelerates the progression of joint stiffness and cartilage wear.

However, sports that place a high load on the ankle joint are also not recommended. Less strenuous sports as well as special exercises and rehabilitation courses are recommended to have a positive influence on the progression of the disease. Individual consultation with the treating orthopedist is therefore advisable.


Ankle joint arthrosis generally takes a chronic course. Wear and tear of the joint progresses over time and as a result of stress, causing more and more complaints as the disease progresses. A distinction must be made between primary and secondary ankle arthrosis.

Depending on the type of ankle joint arthrosis present, it can take a different course. For example, in primary ankle arthrosis, the symptoms occur gradually and only get worse slowly over time. The symptoms of secondary ankle arthrosis can usually be associated with an injury to the ankle and the symptoms develop much faster in comparison.

Therapy should always be carried out if an ankle joint arthrosis has been diagnosed. An ankle joint arthrosis is very difficult to treat and in many cases progresses slowly despite therapeutic measures.

  • Primary arthrosis is based on increased wear and tear of the joint structures and typically occurs in middle to old age.
  • The secondary form of ankle joint arthrosis is much more common and is caused by an injury to the joint. A sports injury at a young age is typical.