Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Skin: Classification

Classification of squamous cell carcinoma according to UICC TNM.

T1 Tumor ≤ 2 cm in greatest horizontal extent.
T2 Tumor > 2 cm in greatest horizontal extent
T3 Infiltration of deep extradermal structures (skeletal muscle, cartilage, bone, jaws, and orbits)
T4 Infiltration of the base of the skull or the axial skeleton
Nx Regional lymph nodes not assessable
N0 No regional lymph node metastases
N1 Solitary lymph node metastasis, maximum diameter
N2 Solitary lymph node metastasis, maximum diameter ≥ 3 to 6 cm max.
Multiple lymph node metastasis, all with a max diameter ≤ 6 cm
N3 Lymph node metastasis with a diameter > 6 cm
M0 No distant metastases present
M1 Distant metastases present

Classification of squamous cell carcinoma according to AJCC 2010.

Tx Primary tumor not assessable
T0 No evidence of a primary tumor
Tis Carcinoma in situ
T1 Tumor ≤ 2 cm in greatest horizontal extent and a
T2 Tumor > 2 cm in greatest horizontal extent and at least one high-risk feature a
Or tumor of any horizontal diameter with at least 2 high-risk features a
T3 Bony infiltration of maxilla, mandible, orbita, or os temporale/tibia
T4 Infiltration of the skeletal bones or perineural infiltration of the base of the skull
Nx Regional lymph nodes not assessable
N0 No regional lymph node metastases
N1 Solitary, ipsilateral lymph node metastasis, maximum diameter ≤ 3 cm
N2a Solitary, ipsilateral lymph node metastasis, maximum diameter > 3 to ≤ 6 cm
N2b Multiple, ipsilateral lymph node metastases, all with a maximum diameter ≤ 6 cm
N2c Multiple, ipsilateral or contralateral lymph node metastases, all with a maximum diameter ≤ 6 cm
N3 Lymph node metastasis with a diameter > 6 cm
Mx Metastasis not assessable
M0 No distant metastases present
M1 Distant metastases present


  • AJCC: “American Joint Committee on Cancer.”
  • M: metastasis, N “node”, T tumor.
  • AHigh-risk characteristics: vertical tumor thickness ≥2 mm, Clark level ≥ 4, perineural invasion, tumor poorly or de-differentiated, localization auricle or hairy lip.

Classification by vertical tumor thickness with metastasis rate data.

Tumor characteristics Metastasis rates
No risk (T1) Vertical tumor thickness ≤ 2 mm 0 %
Low risk (T2) Vertical tumor thickness 2.01-6 mm 4 %
High risk (T3) Vertical tumor thickness > 6 mm 16 %

PEK staging according to UICC TNM and AJCC 2010.

Stage T N M
I 1 0 0
II 2 0 0
III 3 0 0
1-3 1 0
IV 1, 2, 3 2 0
4 Any N 0
Any T 3 0
Any T Any N 1


The following variants of squamous cell carcinoma (PEK) of the skin can be distinguished histomorphologically (some of these are reflected in the WHO/ UICC classification):

Adenosquamous PEK
Acantholytic PEK (syn. adenoid or pseudoglandular).
Bowen’s carcinoma/ bowenoid differentiated PEK.
Desmoplastic PEK
Keratoacanthoma-like PEK/ Keratoacanthoma.
Lymphoepithelioma-like PEK
Pseudovascular PEK (syn. pseudoangiosarcomatous, pseudoangiomatous).
Spindle-cell PEK (syn. sarcomatoid).
Verrucous PEK (syn. epithelioma cuniculatum).