Stage 4 prostate cancer | What are the stages of prostate cancer?

Stage 4 prostate cancer

In the last stage there is at least a TNM classification of T4. The tumor has also spread to neighboring organs (such as the bladder, rectum, pelvic wall, etc.). Clinically, one would still speak of a locally advanced prostate carcinoma.

The tumor then has a high risk profile. If, however, the lymph nodes are also affected by the cancer (T4N1M0) or if metastases are found in more distant organs (T4N1M1), the prostate carcinoma is advanced or metastatic. Further symptoms may occur, such as

  • Rapid weight loss
  • Pain in the bones
  • Heavy night sweats

The tumor has already “scattered” and affected other organs.

Life expectancy is the worst, but depends on the type of organ affected and whether removal or radiation or chemotherapy is possible. More than 75% of patients without curative intervention die at this stage.