Starvation: Function, Tasks, Role & Diseases

The purpose of this article is to address the issue of hunger or starvation. We have often warned here at about the danger of obesity and given advice on how to prevent it, so it seems superfluous to talk about a problem like starvation. However, events such as the burial of miners and other catastrophes repeatedly prompt many readers to ask: How long can a person actually go hungry? What are the consequences of starvation? How does one act after a period of starvation?

Why does one starve in the first place?

Prolonged starvation, such as anorexia nervosa or bulimia, which is not uncommon among adolescents, is detrimental to the body. If one wants to give even a remotely adequate answer to this question, one must first outline what processes take place in the human body during a period of starvation. The most important insights into the altered course of metabolism were gained through medical observation of so-called hunger artists and during therapeutic fasting. Fasting is a voluntary abstention from food for healing purposes. During this time only sufficient liquid supply with tea or juice is provided. The difference from starvation lies in the emphasis on voluntariness. As a result, the attitude of those concerned is much more positive, even in the case of certain physical ailments. In addition, the decision to fast is associated with a goal, which is lacking in people who have starvation forced upon them. It is possible to distinguish three stages in the process of starvation metabolism. In the first three days, the organism consumes the easily accessible stores from the liver and muscles. The weight loss – mainly due to the release of water – is about one kilogram per day. This period is associated with a strong feeling of hunger, but this soon subsides if food is voluntarily withheld. If starvation occurs under duress, the feeling of hunger during this time can increase to the point of intolerability. After three days, the body has adjusted to the new situation. It now attacks its reserves, but without endangering its actual stock. It obtains its energies by burning the fat pads under the skin and by breaking down muscle tissues. The body’s conversion is indicated, among other things, by a characteristic bland body odor. The daily weight loss is now 300 grams a day. Since it is mainly fat tissue, one can assume a calorie turnover of about 2500 calories.

Physical deterioration during starvation

For surviving a period of starvation, coping with the so-called refeeding is essential. Even with complete abstinence from food, the body releases metabolic waste products into the intestines. However, since the regular excretion of stool stops very soon, these waste products remain in the intestines and are partly reabsorbed. During therapeutic fasting, the body can be freed from these substances by enemas. If this is not the case, then these reabsorbed slags mean an additional source of disturbance for the organism, which strongly affect the state of health. It may sound astonishing, but after adaptation of the body to the state of hunger, physical performances such as gymnastics, walks or even long hikes are quite possible. Especially gymnastics and walks are part of the so-called fasting regimen. On the other hand, activity while standing causes difficulties, since the adaptability of the circulation decreases, the blood pools in the legs and occasional dizziness occurs. A clouding of the consciousness does not occur however in this time yet. On the contrary, we know from fasting people that special mental performances and insights are possible. In general, a fasting period can be extended to at least three weeks without danger. Only after that, even the less vital organs are broken down. Brain, heart and kidneys remain spared for a very long time. Finally, the emaciation assumes ever greater proportions. In addition to complete loss of subcutaneous fat tissue and loss of musculature, the secretion of the lacrimal and salivary glands dries up. Entry into this critical period is indicated by a conspicuous drop in weight. In addition to the reduction of physical performance, there is a loss of willpower and mental attitude. The unbearable feeling of hunger subsides. The starving person becomes apathetic until death finally occurs as the regulatory centers of the body go out.An exact point in time, how long a person is able to endure hunger, cannot be named. In addition to the nutritional state at the onset of starvation, the willpower of the individual plays an important role. For example, the Irish patriot Terence MacSwiney is reported to have killed himself by refusing food for 74 days. Hunger strikes, on the other hand, which were poorly organized acts of desperation, reportedly could be sustained for only a few days. Positive impressions, such as hope for success or liberation or resistance to oppressors, can significantly prolong persistence. Adaptability to such an exceptional situation is, of course, also limited by age; children and the elderly are less resilient. Women are said to be able to starve longer than men. Heat loss must also be given special consideration. We know from our own experience that we can eat more in winter than in summer. This condition is due to the increasing basal metabolic rate in cold weather.

Starvation harms the body

What is difficult is the time after surviving a period of starvation. Scientific experience has been made recently with detainees from concentration camps or prisoners. With the first bites, a ravenous hunger set in, which, uncontrolled, had severe consequences in many cases. The overfilling of the stomach and the inadequate digestive power can lead to serious, sometimes fatal, disorders if the food is not selected. Therefore, a careful diet buildup is necessary, gradually leading to a normal diet via frequent small meals of easily digested, carbohydrate foods over dairy products. Prolonged starvation, such as anorexia nervosa or bulimia, which is not uncommon among adolescents, is certainly detrimental to the body. Limited, sensible restriction of food in cases of obesity and medically controlled therapeutic fasting, on the other hand, have a beneficial effect on the organism and are indispensable in the treatment of certain diseases.