Statistical standards and confidence limits | What are statistical standards?

Statistical standards and confidence limits

To be able to read data from the statistical norms, certain confidence limits are necessary. The preferred confidence limits are: Se =±s?1-r2 r = correlation between (e.g. bench press and shot put)/0. 86s = scatter values The standard estimation error indicates the range in which the true value is located with a probability of error of (1% = p<0.

01 or 5% p<0. 05). = Confidence intervals The estimates are particularly precise in ranges where a lot of data can be collected (in the range of the mean value).

The further the measured value deviates from the mean value, the less precise the estimate becomes. (lower and upper power range).

  • The standard estimation error
  • The hyperbolic confidence limit
  • (The standard error of the estimation)