Stimulate and promote bowel movement | Bowel movement

Stimulate and promote bowel movement

If you want to stimulate your bowel movements, changes in your drinking and eating habits usually help. Drinking a lot of water (2-3 liters daily) stimulates the digestion and thus the bowel movement. It is still best to drink water or other sugar-free drinks.

Coffee also has a digestive effect, but can also cause constipation if consumed in excess. In general, a diet rich in fiber is considered to be beneficial for bowel movement. On the one hand, the more the better, on the other hand, a diet rich in fiber (fruit, vegetables, wholemeal products) can also lead to unpleasant flatulence, so an individual measure must be found.

Recommended are fruits like grapes or pears. Dried fruit (e.g. figs, plums) also contains a lot of fiber. In addition, vegetables such as lettuce, tomatoes, cucumbers and carrots generally have a digestive effect and also rarely cause flatulence.Care should be taken to ensure that meals are taken in peace and quiet and time should be allowed for a visit to the toilet, as suppression of bowel movement has a constipating effect.

Furthermore, exercise promotes digestion and thus stimulates bowel movement. A daily walk of 30 minutes is recommended. Stress reduction and sufficient sleep also promote good digestion.

What can you do against hard bowel movements?

Hard bowel movements are very often caused by lifestyle. Finished products, little drinking and little exercise can lead to hard bowel movements and also to constipation. Therefore it is important to do exactly the opposite.

A lot of exercise stimulates the intestines and promotes digestion. This also makes bowel movement easier. In addition, drinking a lot helps to soften the bowel movement.

Water is removed from the stool in the large intestine. If the body is well supplied with fluid, the body has to withdraw less water from the stool. If there is a lack of fluid, the opposite is true.

Finally, the stool is also influenced a lot by nutrition. Fibre-rich foods, such as vegetables or wholemeal products, stimulate intestinal activity and are good for the bacteria living in the intestine, which are important for digestion. Well-tried for a good bowel movement are flea or linseed.

These swell and therefore draw a lot of fluid in the intestine. The stool becomes softer. However, you should make sure that you drink enough.