Stinging in the Shoulder: Causes, Treatment & Help

Stinging in the shoulder often has harmless causes such as muscle tension. In most cases, the discomfort disappears quickly. However, the pain can also be chronic. Then a doctor should definitely be consulted in order to have serious diseases treated in time.

What is stinging in the shoulder?

Stinging in the shoulder is a localized complaint. The pain appears whenever the arms are moved. Stinging in the shoulder is a local complaint. The pain appears whenever the arms are moved. This is especially the case with strains, but abrupt movements also lead to stinging in the shoulder. Sometimes the typical discomfort occurs even when lying down. This can result in unpleasant sleep disturbances. Stinging in the shoulder usually affects different areas of the musculoskeletal system. On the one hand, the pain is concentrated in the joints or under the shoulder blades. The acromion may also be affected. In this case, the discomfort can extend to the collarbone.


The most common cause of stinging in the shoulder is overuse or improper use of the shoulder area. Usually, various sports come into consideration for this, such as volleyball, golf, handball or even swimming. Here, one arm is always stretched and loaded at the same time. This leads to swelling of the affected muscles. In the further course, this muscle area then presses on the tendons and bursa. This pressure condition ultimately triggers the stinging in the shoulder. However, calcium deposits in the joints can also be responsible for this. Sometimes the causes are also congenital. For example, deformities or malpositions can also be causative. Furthermore, a retracted shoulder is a possible pain factor because the joint capsules are overstretched when the shoulder is retracted. Another possible cause of a twinge in the shoulder can be cartilage abrasion at the glenoid cavity. Among the harmless causes is the so-called vertebral block, which passes quickly.

Diseases with this symptom

  • Tendon rupture
  • Acromioclavicular joint rupture
  • Collarbone fracture
  • Bursitis
  • Supraspinatus tendon syndrome
  • Shoulder joint inflammation

Diagnosis and course

If the doctor considers the stinging in the shoulder to be the result of overuse, he uses a neck grip. The patient first clasps both hands at the nape of the neck. The thumbs should point downward. If a twinge is still felt in the shoulder at this point, this is an indication of overuse. In addition, the doctor will palpate the joints and tendon insertions. This will show him if the patient feels pain when pressure is applied. Furthermore, X-rays are used to determine whether joint wear or calcification has occurred. Magnetic resonance imaging provides information on whether there is a tear in the rotator cuff. This is what holds the muscles and ligaments of the shoulder joint together. Lastly, to diagnose the twinge in the shoulder, there remains the option of arthroscopy.


A harmless muscle strain, which very often manifests itself as a twinge in the shoulder, can be easily treated without complications. A neck grip is very often used to relieve the tension. So far, there are no known complications with this treatment method. It should only be performed by a trained sports physician or orthopedist. Otherwise, too intensive and wrong movement could lead to even more tension, so that the stinging in the shoulder gets worse. Light and daily exercise can relieve the stinging in the shoulder. The affected patient should not overdo it with the movement and also not necessarily resort to weight training. Swimming and other endurance sports are associated with fewer complications. If the tension is not treated, inflammation may occur. In this case, it is necessary to treat for a longer period of time. If the patient prefers a treatment without complications, it is important to see a sports medicine specialist directly. In this way, the affected areas can be examined more quickly and treated more effectively.If the doctor considers it necessary to inject cortisone, he should check beforehand to see if the patient might be allergic to it.

When should you go to the doctor?

For the most part, stabbing pain in the shoulder does not require immediate medical treatment. A distinction must be made here according to the degree of discomfort. Over-the-counter pain relievers help with mild to moderate discomfort. In addition, the inflammation can be reduced by immobilization or cold or heat applications, if inflammation is the cause. The causes of a twinge in the shoulder can be very different. If the person affected can determine this himself – for example in the case of a sports injury – and if the pain is severe, the shoulder should first be shown to the family doctor. The same applies to recurring complaints. After taking a comprehensive medical history, the attending physician will initially treat the problem with medication and possibly issue a referral to an orthopedist or surgeon. In the case of a dislocated shoulder – for example, as a result of an accident – the affected person should contact an emergency department directly or call 911. In this case, there is a risk of circulatory collapse. However, if it is a sign of wear and tear or an age-related calcification that has already been diagnosed by a doctor, only pain-relieving measures can be taken. These include gentle exercise (physiotherapy, rehabilitation sports, swimming), creams and ointments (anti-rheumatics) and alternative medical methods (aromatherapy). Often, a review of the workplace and one’s own movement behavior is already sufficient to avoid stabbing pain in the shoulder. Overstretching and overloading due to incorrect carrying or lifting can be easily stopped, without a medical consultation.

Treatment and therapy

Therapy for stinging in the shoulder is usually with medication. The doctor prescribes special anti-inflammatory drugs without the addition of steroids. They have an anti-inflammatory effect and relieve the pain. This can be accompanied by heat or cold treatment. Both have an analgesic effect. If the stinging in the shoulder is due to muscle tension, so-called aromatherapy is often used. Peppermint, eucalyptus or camphor oil is applied to the affected areas. Exercise in small moderation can also be very helpful. This can take the form of physiotherapy and physical therapy. A simple massage can also work wonders. This results in muscle relaxation and promotion of mobility. In the case of major shoulder injuries, the doctor will resort to cortisone injections. Sometimes surgery is also required, especially for chronic shoulder pain. These can result from wear and tear and debris in the joints. However, the surgery consists of only a small incision. It is also possible that the doctor only performs an arthroscopy. If the shoulder or the joint is severely damaged by osteoarthritis, it may be necessary to implant an artificial shoulder joint. This is the only way to ensure that the stabbing pain is eliminated in the long term.

Outlook and prognosis

If a regular stabbing pain occurs in the shoulder, it should be ruled out that this was previously caused by an accident or overload with sports or physical work. If the causes do not disappear after a few days, it is advisable to consult a physician. The medical examination clarifies whether the shoulder joint or a disease of the muscles and tendons. If the shoulder stiffness is corrected manually, treatment is carried out by a physiotherapist. After a few sessions, the first successes occur and the symptom subsides. The exercises must be applied consistently to counteract possible consequential damage and wear and tear. In some cases, drug treatment is sought in addition to physiotherapy. If the shoulder joint is irreversibly damaged, for example after a fall or due to incorrect loading, surgical measures are targeted. After shoulder surgery, manual therapy also takes effect so that ligaments, muscles and tendons can support the joint again. Shoulder stiffness can also be caused by heart problems. To rule this out in older patients, all diagnoses must be analyzed precisely. If the shoulder pain is ignored or self-treated, subsequent damage cannot be ruled out.Accompanying symptoms may also include circulatory disorders, which in turn result in nerve and sensory impairments. In the worst case, the shoulder is permanently affected by bone damage and osteoarthritis. Depending on the complication and treatment, sports patients may need to find another sport.


To prevent the stinging in the shoulder, regular exercise is essential in relation to the muscles of the shoulders. One-sided stress should be avoided at all costs. Light weight training and swimming are also beneficial. This strengthens the entire musculature. Because countless complaints arise from the fact that the trunk is not sufficiently capable of supporting the upper body. That is why all people who have little movement in everyday life or who spend most of their time in the office should make sure that they have a physical balance. If the back muscles are not strong enough, the muscles and tendons also atrophy. When strain is placed on them, the result is usually an immediate overload and pain. For prevention, various stretching exercises are therefore also particularly suitable.

What you can do yourself

A twinge in the shoulder can have very many causes. Mostly, a harmless muscle tension is the reason for the stabbing pain. However, those who suffer from chronic pain, on the other hand, should see a doctor in any case. Nevertheless, a lot can also be done by oneself if the pain occurs due to tension. If tension is the reason for the unpleasant twinge, aromatherapy, for example, can be very helpful. This involves the use of special essential oils such as peppermint, camphor or eucalyptus. The oils are usually diluted in a carrier oil and applied to the corresponding area, gently massaging it in. Massages in themselves can also help with tension and the stabbing pain. Physiotherapy can also be a good way to solve the problem itself. Hardened muscles relax again through the massages and movements, and mobility slowly returns. Prevention is also quite important when it comes to frozen shoulder. Regular exercise is therefore a “must”. Certain stretching as well as strength exercises or even the popular breaststroke also build up the muscles of the shoulder quickly.