Stinging Stomach Pain: Causes, Treatment & Help

Stabbing stomach pain represents a common type of stomach pain. They are often the result of overeating, organic diseases or psychological problems.

What is stabbing stomach pain?

Occasional stabbing stomach pain is mostly caused by the diet of the affected person. Stabbing stomach pain refers to pain in the middle or left upper abdomen. Unlike other types of pain in the upper abdominal area, they occur preferentially in this part of the body. It is not uncommon for the stabbing pain to be accompanied by other symptoms. These can be a feeling of fullness, nausea, vomiting, digestive problems and general malaise. If the stabbing stomach pain has an organic trigger, complaints of the respective organ are also possible.


Occasional stabbing stomach pain is mostly caused by the diet of the affected person. Triggers for the unpleasant discomfort are often spicy, fatty or acidic food. But also a food intolerance can be the cause of the stomach pain. Likewise, the stomach problems are promoted by the consumption of cigarettes and alcohol. If the acute pain is severe, it may be an indication of poisoning. Other common triggers for stabbing stomach pain include an irritable stomach and stress. It is not uncommon for heartburn to accompany the pain. In some cases, the stabbing stomach pain is caused by an infection with molds, viruses or bacteria. However, taking certain medications also carries the risk of causing stabbing stomach pain as a side effect. These include painkillers such as diclofenac, acetylsalicylic acid or ibuprofen, as well as cortisone and rheumatism medications. In addition, stabbing stomach pain also occurs as a side effect of radiation therapy or chemotherapy. Another possible cause is inflammation of the pancreas (pancreatitis). This disease is characterized by pain radiating to the side and stomach cramps. If, on the other hand, the symptoms occur on an empty stomach, a duodenal ulcer may be the cause. If, in addition to the stabbing pain, the patient also suffers from tarry stools and weight loss, this is considered an indication of cancer. Rarer reasons for stabbing stomach pain are an aneurysm (arterial dilation), pleurisy, pneumonia, kidney disease or a so-called intestinal infarction.

Diseases with this symptom

  • Food intolerance
  • Poisoning
  • Stomach ulcer
  • Cirrhosis of the liver
  • Irritable stomach
  • Pancreatitis
  • Duodenal ulcer
  • Stomach cancer
  • Tar stools
  • Pleurisy
  • Mesenteric infarction
  • Gastrointestinal diseases

Diagnosis and course

If the stabbing stomach pain occurs repeatedly or there are acute symptoms such as high fever and vomiting, a doctor must be consulted. The same applies if bowel movements are absent, the abdomen is distended and hard, or there is blood in the stool. During the examination, the doctor first determines the exact location of the stomach pain. Swollen or hardened areas of the body are palpated. The physician also listens to the abdomen with a stethoscope. He also asks the patient about his diet and lifestyle. He is also interested in the course of the pain. He also wants to know what medications the patient is taking and whether he drinks a lot of alcohol. As a rule, stool, blood and urine tests are performed in a laboratory. Sonography (ultrasound examination) is also considered useful for diagnosis. If there is a suspicion of food intolerance to gluten, fructose or lactose, a hydrogen breath test can be performed. If a tissue sample must be taken, a [[gastroscopy]9 takes place with an endoscope. If the stabbing stomach pains are caused by overeating, they disappear after a short time. However, if they last longer or occur repeatedly, they can be an indication of a serious illness that requires treatment. This is sometimes even life-threatening.


Complications of stabbing stomach pain can occur depending on the underlying condition.If the pain occurs due to inflammation of the gastric mucosa (gastritis), the patient may be noticed due to anemia. Due to the gastritis, vitamin B 12, which is necessary for blood formation, cannot be sufficiently absorbed. As a result, the anemia develops. The occurrence of iron deficiency anemia is also possible. Pronounced gastritis can cause bleeding. If gastritis remains untreated, chronic inflammation may develop. This can cause a stomach ulcer or stomach cancer. If the cause of stabbing stomach pain is an undetected or untreated gastric ulcer or carcinoma, bleeding may occur. These may be noticeable by a tar-like discoloration of the stool. Vomiting of blood or coffee-ground-like vomiting is possible. Life-threatening blood loss may occur. Circulatory shock may result from rapid blood loss. A gastric ulcer or gastric carcinoma may break through the stomach wall as a complication. Stomach contents and blood may subsequently enter the abdomen, causing peritonitis. This condition is potentially life-threatening. The gastric ulcer as well as carcinoma can narrow or obstruct the stomach outlet. This condition is noticeable by vomiting, loss of appetite, and weight loss.

When should you see a doctor?

In cases of severe stomach pain or chronic recurrent symptoms, the primary care physician should be informed first. He or she will take a detailed medical history and order further examinations or arrange for referral to an internist. If the symptom is mild to moderate pain, the symptoms can initially be self-treated by resting and taking medication – which soothes the stomach lining. It must be determined here whether it is possibly a reaction to stress, too hot or spicy food or other irritating substances. Poisoning may also be present. In this case, advice can be obtained from the central poison control center. If the symptoms appear to be life-threatening, an emergency clinic should be visited immediately or the emergency number should be called. In addition to the severity of the pain, the occurrence of accompanying symptoms also indicates the urgency of a medical consultation. If the stabbing stomach pain is accompanied by fever, vomiting and diarrhea – possibly with blood – or if there is a risk of circulatory collapse, a doctor should be consulted immediately. Recurring stomach pains can also hide serious illnesses. To be able to answer this question, a medical check-up is recommended. With the help of examination procedures such as sonography or a gastroscopy, those affected receive a concrete diagnosis and can be treated in a targeted manner. This is the only way to achieve a permanently high quality of life.

Treatment and therapy

Stinging stomach pain that has a harmless cause can also be treated on your own. Proven home remedies include taking herbal teas containing caraway, chamomile or fennel. Circular massages of the abdomen and the application of a hot water bottle are also helpful. If a visit to the doctor is necessary, he usually prescribes special preparations that reduce the effect of stomach acid and protect the sensitive parts of the stomach. If the stabbing pain is severe, painkillers can also be administered. When taking them, the patient should always follow the doctor’s prescription and not exceed the dosage. If the discomfort is caused by a bacterial infectious disease, treatment with antibiotics is usually given. A disadvantage of some remedies for stomach pain are their considerable side effects. Thus, after taking them, diarrhea, nausea and constipation may occur. Further stomach pain is also within the realm of possibility. Therefore, the drugs should never be taken longer than absolutely necessary. If a serious illness such as a stomach ulcer or cancer is responsible for the stabbing stomach pain, surgery is usually performed. This is used to remove the ulcer or tumor. An important factor in the treatment of stabbing stomach pain is an adequate intake of water. If the complaints are due to psychosomatic or psychological triggers, the patient should counteract stress.Psychotherapy or practicing relaxation techniques such as autogenic training, progressive muscle relaxation or yoga can also be helpful in combating pain.

Outlook and prognosis

Sharp stomach pain indicates acute gastritis, but it can also be the result of highly seasoned or fatty foods. Too much alcohol can also be a trigger. A healthy lifestyle is therefore advisable. If the patient does not change his or her lifestyle, inflammation will recur again and again. In the long term, serious diseases can develop from this. In sensitive people, emotional problems often affect the stomach. They have cramps, and the pain is then joined by pressure in the upper abdomen, bloating, nausea, vomiting and digestive problems. Although the pain can be relieved by medication, if the causes are not eliminated, the same symptoms will reoccur sooner or later. If the pain occurs only occasionally, stomach irritation is usually the cause. If you take tea and a light diet for a few days, you will soon be symptom-free. Patients with irritable stomach have to struggle with stomach pain and discomfort much more frequently and for longer. If the complaints are caused by an inflammation of the pancreas, this must first subside. Typical for this disease are laterally radiating pains and cramps. A duodenal ulcer is also manifested by stabbing pain. If the stool is discolored like tar and the patient has lost a significant amount of weight, cancer could be the cause. In this case, the prognosis depends greatly on the time of diagnosis.


To prevent stabbing stomach pain from occurring in the first place, preventive measures can be taken. These include avoiding a diet that is high in fat and acid. To support fat processing, it is recommended to take artichoke tablets or drink artichoke juice. In addition, it is advisable to limit the consumption of alcohol and tobacco. A healthy, balanced lifestyle and low stress are the best ways to prevent stabbing stomach pain. To avoid infection, regular hand washing with soap is a good idea. In this way, infection-causing germs cannot penetrate to the stomach.

What you can do yourself

In the case of stabbing stomach pain, the irritated stomach lining should first be soothed. A tea of chamomile or fennel and caraway is quickly prepared. In general, adequate fluid intake should be taken care of during stomach pain. Increased fluid intake dilutes the stomach acid and soothes the irritation. If antibiotics are administered – in the case of a gastrointestinal infection – drinking sufficient fluids is also strongly recommended. Furthermore, spicy foods or meals that are too hot should not be consumed, as these also have an irritating effect. The same applies to the consumption of alcohol. It is advisable to drink a glass of still water half an hour before eating. This allows the body to process the food more easily. Medications for stomach pain quickly become addictive and are associated with numerous side effects. The intake should be reduced to a minimum. The stomach can be protected by a mindful selection of food and slow consumption. If the discomfort results from an excess of stress, it is important to reduce it. Going for a walk, listening to music or techniques such as yoga, autogenic training and tai chi can easily be incorporated into everyday life. Breathing exercises that can be learned quickly can also be implemented in the office. For accompanying sleep disorders or inner restlessness, preparations of lemon balm or valerian can help. Homeopathy can also provide support with the remedy Nux Vomica (nux vomica) – to be used for all stomach complaints.