Stomach ache after alcohol | Bowel pain

Stomach ache after alcohol

Abdominal pain after alcohol consumption is not an uncommon phenomenon, especially when the consumption has been exaggerated. Even small amounts can cause an overproduction of gastric acid in some people and thus cause pain to the person concerned. After drinking alcohol, pancreatitis can also occur in not so rare cases, which can be accompanied by the belt-like pain already described. This picture of pancreatitis should then definitely be treated sufficiently quickly by a doctor.

Abnormal bowel movements in case of abdominal pain

Bowel movement in general, in conjunction with intestinal better abdominal pain, can be groundbreaking for the diagnosis. A detailed anamnesis regarding frequency, colour, consistency, possible blood admixture and odour can be quite helpful for the examiner. Also a so-called digital rectal examination, the manual examination of the rectum with the fingers, can often be informative. In the case of increased stool and wind or diarrhoea, certain conclusions can also be drawn for the doctor. The former suggests constipation or even intestinal obstruction, the latter may be caused by so-called gastroenteritis, an inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract caused by germs.

Abdominal pain during pregnancy

Intestinal pain, or rather abdominal pain, can also occur during pregnancy. The growing child in the mother’s womb becomes increasingly demanding in terms of limited space. This can result in intestinal loops being displaced or other organs being restricted in their blood supply.

This can then manifest itself in pain. In addition, movements of the child can lead to pain in the womb. All these possibilities illustrate how different the causes of abdominal pain in pregnant women can be. Basically, accompanying symptoms such as bleeding or excessive pain should make you prick up your ears. It can be said that the pregnant woman should be over-cautious and should visit her doctor more often to ward off serious processes that could harm her and the unborn child.

Stomach ache after eating

An occurring pain symptomatology of the intestine or abdomen after a meal can initially be caused by quite banal reasons such as a feeling of fullness when eating too rich or fatty food. Nevertheless, the description of the painful stomach or intestine leads to the assumption of an ulcer disease. If an affected person suffers from a gastric ulcer (ulcus ventriculi), the pain can characteristically occur after eating.

However, pain independent of food intake can also be accompanied by increased suffering. In comparison, the pain of an ulcer in the duodenum is often described as an alleviation of the pain after food intake. In this context, a fasting pain is also described in parallel, which fits the symptoms of the complaint, especially at night.

Abdominal pain when sitting

Abdominal pain, which occurs only when sitting, like all other causes, cannot be detected without appropriate diagnostics. Often affected persons with slight progressions find improvement with changes in the position of the body, but movement can also bring improvement. Basically, no causal diseases are known which only cause abdominal pain when sitting. At best, a muscular cause of the abdominal muscles can be considered, which can occur, for example, during unusual movements or sports.