Stomach aches and flatulence after eating | Stomach pain and flatulence

Stomach aches and flatulence after eating

If abdominal pain and flatulence occur after eating, this can indicate a number of diseases. An immediate pain after eating can be a sign of a stomach ulcer, regardless of flatulence.If there is a suspicion of this disease, a doctor should be consulted to initiate appropriate therapy and to rule out that no other diseases are behind the complaints. A pain in the stomach area several hours after eating often occurs in the case of duodenal ulcer and is treated in the same way as the stomach ulcer.

If the symptoms occur particularly after the consumption of sweet or sour food, alcohol or coffee, a reflux disease could be present. Flatulence and abdominal pain after eating, especially if they occur together, can be an indication of food intolerance. Common foods that trigger such symptoms are milk or milk sugar, fructose, gluten or histamine.

Progressive vascular occlusion in the gastrointestinal tract also manifests itself in pain, sometimes even flatulence, after eating. Severe, sudden pain after eating very high-fat foods is typical of biliary colic. The pain in a biliary colic is usually localized in the right upper abdomen, but can also be projected onto the stomach.

If the suspicion is obvious, a doctor should be consulted as soon as possible. Very severe pain in the stomach area after a large meal and a lot of alcohol consumption can also be caused by an inflammation of the pancreas.