Stool Transplantation | Therapy of ulcerative colitis

Stool Transplantation

A stool transplant is the transfer of stool or the bacteria contained in stool from a healthy donor into the intestine of a patient. The aim of stool transplantation is to restore the irreparably damaged intestinal flora of the patient and thus to produce or at least promote a physiological, i.e. healthy microbiome. To date, stool transplants have not been officially approved as a form of therapy, but are considered an “individual healing attempt” if the indication is accordingly established.

The only common application is in the case of a symptomatic intestinal infection caused by the bacterium Clostridium difficile (pseudomembranous colitis). Research is also currently being conducted into the therapy of the chronic inflammatory bowel diseases Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis by means of a stool transplant. However, most of the controlled studies carried out to date have produced disappointing results. Only in children did a study in a small patient group show a clear clinical response. In order to be able to make more precise statements on this, several more years and studies will nevertheless have to pass.

Worm eggs

The worm eggs are derived from the pig whip worm (Trichuris suis ovata). In the case of a light to medium relapse, taking the worm eggs every two weeks can lead to an improvement in inflammatory activity. The worms, which are only a few millimeters in size, hatch from the eggs, which can reach the colon and are excreted with the stool. Although no serious side effects have been observed when taking the drug, this therapy has not yet been approved in Germany and is not recommended.


Homeopathy is recommended for ulcerative colitis only as an accompanying therapy to support conventional medicine. There are a large number of possible homeopathic preparations for this disease, so only a selection is mentioned here. Spiess glistening black carrot (Aethiops antimonialis) can be taken in case of inflammation of the intestine with diarrhea and cramps. Another remedy that can be effective against diarrhoea is China officinalis, which should be taken three times a day. For pain at the beginning of a relapse, Ipecacuanha three times a day is a possible remedy.