Stop the finger arthrosis | What is finger arthrosis?

Stop the finger arthrosis

Finger arthrosis, like arthrosis of other joints, is a disease with a progressive disease process. Therefore, therapy should be started as early as possible and should be composed of several sub-areas which together achieve the best possible result. In general, heavy strain should be avoided and as often as possible aids should be used in the household and in everyday life.

A stabilizing splint can also be worn during the day. In addition, improvement can be achieved with medication such as painkillers of the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory or analgesic class. The first mentioned group of painkillers is additionally anti-inflammatory, which is why they are of decisive importance, especially in cases of incipient joint inflammation.

Cartilage-protecting substances such as glucosamine are also useful in this therapy concept. Movement and muscle strength can be maintained by a physiotherapist and also by patient training. In addition to targeted exercises, ergotherapy, heat treatments or electrotherapy are useful alternatives.

Joints can be surgically stiffened or replaced by artificial joints. In Herbeden’s arthrosis, the finger end joints are affected (see red circles). In Bouchard arthrosis, the middle finger joints are affected (see blue circles).