Strengthening exercises | Achilles tendon pain – exercises that help

Strengthening exercises

1. stand on your tiptoes barefoot in front of a wall about one foot away. Your arms are supported on the wall. Stand on tiptoe for about 10 seconds.

Let go for 5 seconds and then start again on tiptoe. Strengthen the foot stirrups Move to a long seat on the floor. Attach a Theraband to your foot and to a fixed point (table leg etc.).

Now pull your foot towards your body against the resistance of the Thera-band, hold the position for a short time and then let go slowly against the resistance of the Thera-band. 3. partner exercise in long seat You and a partner sit opposite each other in a long seat. Your legs are completely extended and the sole of your feet is touching the sole of your partner’s feet.

Now, against the partner’s resistance, stretch your foot in his direction. The partner then stretches his foot in your direction against your resistance. If you have Thera bands, you can use them to connect your feet and also train the pulling in of the foot with resistance. You can find more exercises in the article physiotherapy exercises ankle

Coordination exercises

1. painting with your feet Place a sheet of paper on the floor. Sit down on a chair and take a pen (preferably felt-tip pen) between your big toe and the second toe. Now try to write your first name on the sheet of paper with your foot.

You can also draw simple geometric patterns like circles, squares or crosses.2. walking on a newspaper Take a page of a daily newspaper, stand barefoot on the newspaper. Now, without tearing the newspaper, try to cross a room with small pushing steps.

Increase the speed in the next attempts without tearing the newspaper. 3. one leg stand on the roll Take a large towel and roll it up. Stand with both feet on the rolled up towel.

Now try to keep your balance on the towel while standing on one leg. Change legs. This exercise especially trains the small foot muscles, weight shifting and coordination. More exercises can be found in the article Balance and coordination exercises