Stress and neurodermatitis | Skin rash due to stress

Stress and neurodermatitis

The appearance of neurodermatitis can vary greatly, but mostly dry, strongly reddened and often inflamed skin rashes are found, which itch very strongly. In addition, the skin in the affected areas can generally thicken and become incrusted, even forming nodules. Mostly the rashes are located in the articular bends like the elbows or the hollow of the knee.

In babies, the face is often affected. The cause of this disease is a genetically predisposed, disturbed barrier function of the skin, which is why it reacts hypersensitively to mostly insensitive stimuli. However, the genetic predisposition for this is not sufficient for the disease to actually break out.

Rather, there are various triggers that actively promote the onset of the disease as trigger factors. These include allergens from the household or the environment, severe irritation of the skin from detergents, cosmetics or woollen clothing, climatic factors such as cold, dryness and sultriness and certain environmental toxins. Stress and other psychological burdens are of great importance in aggravating the course of this disease pattern. And vice versa, those affected often suffer very severely from the persistent itching and physical disfigurement, which in turn promotes the development of stress and thus the intensification of symptoms.

Therapy options

So if a concrete stress trigger is recognizable or if symptoms have already occurred that can be associated with stress, methods of stress processing should be considered. The basis for this is a healthy and balanced diet and sufficient physical exercise. There are also various stress management methods to choose from, such as autogenic training or meditation.

The effects of sport are also of outstanding importance, as physical activity has been proven to help reduce stress hormones and provide a possible exit route from the body for accumulated psychological stress. Furthermore, regular exercise not only prevents stress-related illnesses, but also has a lasting positive effect on the cardiovascular system and the entire body. In principle, of course, it is important not to wait until the stress manifests itself in an organic form, but to recognize the problem early on and to try to counteract it at an early stage. To strengthen the skin and to supply it with important nutrients and vitamins, a number of plant preparations are also suitable.You can read more information on this topic here: Household remedy for a rash