Stress during pregnancy | Stress – Are you also affected by it?

Stress during pregnancy

For many expectant mothers, pregnancy is associated with additional stress. On the one hand, this stress can be caused by physical changes (poor posture, etc.) and on the other hand by the increasingly difficult work in professional life.

Not only the body but also the mind experiences additional stress. Expectant mothers naturally worry about their health and that of their child. What can all happen when… There are a multitude of questions and circumstances during pregnancy that can have an impact on the newborn. Information and possible effects of stress during pregnancy can be found in the article: Stress during pregnancy


In summary, it can be said that stress itself is a very complex topic. Stress is caused by different situations for everyone and is perceived differently by each individual.Long-term stress can have many effects on the organism and may severely restrict the quality of life. There are a variety of different stress management techniques that can help those affected.

Which one is suitable for you personally, you must decide for yourself. It is important that you do not simply accept permanent stress. If you recognize stress symptoms in yourself or often feel tired and exhausted, do not hesitate to take a step back and take more time for yourself.

If you feel overwhelmed by the situation, talk to a doctor or therapist about your problems. Often outsiders can bring in a neutral view and uncover problems that you are not even aware of. However, it is a fact that too much negative stress can definitely have harmful consequences and should not be ignored.

When someone is “under stress” it means on a physiological level that the hormones are working at full speed. If a stressful situation arises for someone, the brain sends a signal to the adrenal gland, which then sends out the hormones adrenaline, norepinephrine and dopamine. This causes, among other things, blood pressure to rise, the heart rate to increase, breathing to become shallow, digestion to slow down and bladder activity to decrease.

The body is therefore ready to perform. This can be beneficial in some situations (e.g. an upcoming exam or meeting a deadline at the office). However, if the stress remains for a long time, one can imagine that this state of constant alert is extremely draining and exhausting for the body, so that many stress symptoms develop and the stress turns out to be very negative.