Stress | Tinnitus: Rining in the Ear


Stress alone is rarely the cause of tinnitus. However, 25% of those affected report that they have had or have a lot of stress. Stress literally puts pressure on the hearing system, so that the development of tinnitus is encouraged and the perception of tinnitus increased.

The same applies to insecurity, fear or inner restlessness. These psychological factors mean that you need to pay more attention to your inner self, and therefore also to the tinnitus. The noises become louder and the stress level increases.

In the long run, a tinnitus-stress vicious circle develops, which can possibly also lead to depression or anxiety. In the course of time, affected persons report that they can hear their feelings: the more stressed they are, the stronger the tinnitus. This is because those areas of the brain responsible for processing emotions are networked with the auditory pathway.

1-5% of those affected therefore develop serious psychosocial difficulties in addition to sleep and concentration disorders. Stress and tinnitus are invisible afflictions so that those affected find it difficult to gain understanding from others. Often they withdraw more and more. Comprehensive information on this topic can be found in the following article: Stress – Are you also affected by it?


Homeopathy tries to do the same with the same for healing. However, since tinnitus is a symptom and not an illness, it has no specific remedy for it. However, homeopathy also follows a more holistic approach.

Even though the effectiveness of homeopathy for tinnitus has not yet been scientifically proven, there are a large number of positive experience reports from affected people. Especially for children, homeopathy is a good treatment approach if the causes are clarified and no intervention is necessary. The treatment should be carried out by an experienced doctor or alternative practitioner.

In an initial consultation, the doctor will ask about the character of the tinnitus, accompanying symptoms and the history of the illness. With this knowledge he can then select the appropriate remedy.

  • In case of buzzing tinnitus, for example, he uses Apis D6 (highly diluted bee venom)
  • If there is a knocking noise Petroleum Rectificatum
  • Nux Vomica has been proven to be effective when the noise in the ear varies in intensity and increases under stress
  • In cases of impaired hearing and noise trauma, Arnica can help to heal possible swelling