Stretching exercises | Eccentric training

Stretching exercises

1st oscillationThis exercise relieves the shoulder joint and stretches the muscles of the shoulder. In the seat you take a light dumbbell or a water bottle in your hand. You sit upright and without contact to the backrest.

Now let your arm swing back and forth with the weight in your hand. The pendulum movement should only be triggered by the weight and should not be active. Make only an initial swing to get the movement going.

As soon as the swing stops, you will get an impulse again. 2. hanging Depending on your height you can use a door frame or shower frame. Stand right under the door frame.

Now reach up with both hands and hold on to the doorsturtz. Now let the body hang down as if someone had robbed you of all your strength. The arms and hands continue to hold on to the door frame and are stretched.

You should only do this exercise if you have enough strength in your arms and hands to hold the hanging as an eccentric training. 3. forced cross-legged eccentric training can also be done like this. Sit cross-legged.

Press on your knees with both arms to get further into the cross-legged position. This training session should be painless. If you want to integrate an increase, bend your upper body forward to get more stretch on the muscles.4.

indian squattingHocken them down. The upper body is upright. The heels should touch the buttocks or be beside them.

Now let the upper body sink backwards until you feel tension in the abdominal area. Try to let yourself sink further into the stretch if it is painlessly possible. This exercise must be performed very slowly, because the stretching of the abdominal muscles can cause a sudden pain at the limit of movement. If the exercise is not a challenge for you, you should take your arms above your head to achieve even more tension.