Stretching | Shinbone Edge Syndrome


In tibial edge syndrome, a tense musculature of the lower leg is found. Although the muscle is enlarged, it can lose tension through stretching exercises. Stretching through inner and outer rotation The lower leg muscles are stretched in the opposite direction of the inwardly rotated ankle (pronation).

In the outer rotation position of the foot, the foot is tensed and in the inner rotation position, it is stretched. Hold the extension for a longer period of time for at least 20 seconds. The stretching can be done in all positions.

A good position is the stand where you put one leg on. This stands on tiptoe. Now push your ankle away from you.

To perform an internal rotation of the foot, turn your ankle joint forward/laterally. After you have held the stretch for some time, change the leg. It is important that you do the stretching exercises regularly.

Do the exercises daily and take a few minutes to do them. Especially when working while walking or standing, the stretching exercises before and after can be done in free time. Physiotherapy exercises ankle joint Physiotherapy exercises ankle joint


In many cases, taping can prove to be an effective treatment method. It supports the muscle and the ankle joint and gives it stability during sports activities. The taping can be individually tailored to the patient and glued on.

However, a positive effect cannot be guaranteed and should therefore always only be used to support other measures. As an isolated treatment for tibial edge syndrome, taping alone should not be relied upon. However, many athletes report a safe feeling in the ankle joint.

The tape can be applied in such a way that incorrect movements such as the internal rotation of the foot (pronation) are reduced, thus relieving the muscle. Taping bandages should be applied by a trained professional, such as an orthopedist or physiotherapist.