Stretching/why, how does something like this look like in practice? | Physiotherapy for nerve root compression in the cervical spine

Stretching/why, how does something like this look like in practice?

For the same reason as strengthening, a balanced stretching program should be included in the therapy of nerve root compression of the cervical spine. Shortened muscles can influence the posture of the cervical spine and thus promote incorrect loading, which is often the cause of slipped discs and thus compression of the nerve roots. It is important to stretch these muscles.

The therapist can use passive stretching techniques to lengthen the corresponding muscles. To do this, he guides the patient’s head into a stretching position and holds it there while the patient lets go as loosely as possible. At the same time, manual stretching techniques such as transverse stretching or friction can be used, which locally support stretching of the tissue.

The focus of the therapy is on the patient. In order to achieve a lasting improvement in the stretching of the musculature, the patient must perform active stretching exercises independently and regularly at home even after the therapy. The exercises are taught to the patient during the therapy and controlled so that no mistakes are made in the self-exercise.


There are numerous exercises to relieve the discomfort of nerve root compression and to take the pressure off the corresponding nerve. Below are some exercises for nerve root compression in the cervical spine described. Which exercises are suitable for you personally depends on the cause of the disease.

It is therefore best to speak to an experienced physiotherapist beforehand. 1. stretching and loosening of the muscles Sit straight and upright on a chair. Cross your hands behind your head and bring your chin towards the breastbone, looking down.

Now exert slight pressure with your hands and try to bring your head back into an upright position against resistance. Repeat the exercise several times. 2. strengthening and stability Sit straight and upright on a chair.

Now cross your hands in front of your head so that your elbows point forward. Then apply light pressure on the head with your hands. This should go from top to bottom.

Hold your head against it so that its position does not change. Hold for 10 seconds, then pause briefly. 3-5 repetitions.

3. mobility Stand or sit straight and upright. Now turn your head towards your left shoulder, so that your nose points towards your shoulder. Now move the head slowly and in a controlled manner forward towards the sternum and from there over to the right shoulder.

Once there, move the head back to the starting position. Repeat this 3-5 times. More exercises can be found in the following articles:

  • Pinched nerve in the cervical spine
  • Cervical spine syndrome exercises
  • Cervical spine mobility exercises
  • What is the best way to stretch the cervical spine?