Structure of the dentition | Tooth structure

Structure of the dentition

A full-grown person possesses 16 teeth in the upper jaw and 16 teeth in the lower jaw, if the wisdom teeth are included. The front teeth are the incisors, the Dentes incisivi decidui. They are the first two on each side.

The third tooth is the canine, the Dens caninus decidui. This tooth is followed by the premolars (Dentes premolares), the 4th and 5th tooth, then come the molars (Dentes molars; 6, 7 and 8). The incisors are used for biting food, the molars for grinding.


Even if the teeth do not appear to have a complex structure on the outside, they are very structured and functional due to their individual components, so that they can perform the daily tasks we expect them to perform. Mostly for many decades, they faithfully chop up our food, withstand great forces and at the same time conjure up a beautiful smile on our face.