Substitutes for the use of anabolic steroids and alternatives | Muscle building and anabolic steroids

Substitutes for the use of anabolic steroids and alternatives

Anabolic steroids are used in muscle building and ensure increased muscle formation. Testosterone is the substance in the body that is responsible for this. The testosterone level can be increased by athletes through anabolic steroids.

However, since these substances are on the doping list, we strongly advise against this. Natural anabolic substitutes are alternatively available in the form of zinc, magnesium, vitamin D and proteins. Supplementation with these nutrients can also influence the testosterone level in the blood.

Thus, these natural anabolic steroids can also make a good contribution to a muscle building program. In addition to the choice of dietary supplements for muscle building, age also plays a role. In a young person who has a high testosterone level in the blood, the supplementation is not as effective as in older athletes who have biologically less testosterone in the body.

However, a healthy, balanced diet is still the best and most gentle way to build muscle mass without taking any health risks. In addition to the physical and psychological risks associated with the use of anabolic steroids, there are also a number of side effects. Many of the side effects only become apparent after long-term use.

But also the single and irregular use can cause various side effects. On the psychological level, mood swings, emotional outbursts, aggressive behavior and bad mood can lead to severe and recurrent depression. Many users develop a vicious circle, because they think “without anabolic steroids nothing works”.

The regular intake of anabolic steroids leads to the desired body image, but also to an addiction to expand it further and further. If you stop taking anabolic steroids, you lose the trained body shape quite quickly, and the athlete has no other choice but to give in to the urge to take anabolic steroids again. Getting out of this vicious circle is extremely difficult and most athletes need help from outside.

The side effects on the physical side are at least as serious and dangerous as the psychological ones. In men and women, the genitals are attacked. In women, the clitoris can become enlarged and in men, depending on the degree of abuse of the anabolic steroids, temporary to permanent impotence can occur.

At the age of puberty, the bones may stop growing and the actual sexual characteristics may not develop completely. This can lead to masculinization or feminization. Other side effects include high blood pressure, increased eye pressure, blood value changes, hair loss, heart growth, headaches and water retention.

In adults, as in puberty, acne can break out due to blocked sebaceous glands, which mainly appear on the back. Especially the growth of the heart is a very dangerous side effect, because in connection with arteriosclerosis it can lead to cardiac arrest and heart attack. Excessive consumption of anabolic steroids can theoretically lead to death. You should consider carefully if you want to take this risk “only” to reach your dream body. With hard work, this can also be achieved through “normal” training.