

Succimer was approved in many countries in 2012 in capsule form (succicaptal).

Structure and properties

Succimer or DMSA (dimercaptosuccinic acid, C4H6O4S2, Mr = 182.2 g/mol) is a sulfur compound with two thiol groups. It exists as a white crystalline powder with an unpleasant sulfur odor and taste.


Succimer binds lead and forms water-soluble chelate complexes that can be excreted by the kidney.


For the treatment of lead poisoning in children. Succimer should not be used for prevention. Succimer has also been used for other heavy metal poisoning (e.g., mercury, arsenic).


According to the SmPC. The drug is dosed according to body weight or body surface area.


  • Hypersensitivity

For complete precautions, see the drug label.


Drug-drug interactions are not known. Concomitant treatment with other chelating agents such as EDTA is not recommended.

Adverse effects

The most common potential adverse effects include digestive upset, increased transaminase levels, and skin rashes. Mild to moderate neutropenia has been observed during treatment. Patients should therefore report to their physician immediately if they show signs of infection.