Summary | Inflammation of a birthmark


Inflammation of moles can have different causes. On the one hand, pathogens, for example skin germs, can enter the inside of the birthmark through the smallest cracks and wounds, which may be caused by scratching, and cause an inflammation there. In general, such an inflammation manifests itself through swelling and reddening of the birthmark, which can be painful.

Another cause is inflammation of the hair root (folliculitis). The birthmark can also appear whitish due to purulent accumulations. The folliculitis usually heals without complications.

Antiseptics can be applied locally for therapy. Finally, inflammatory changes can also indicate a malignant development. The ABCDE rules can help to search your moles for such changes so that a doctor can be consulted at an early stage if you suspect a questionable development. If the suspicion is confirmed, the affected birthmark is usually removed.