Summary | Physiotherapy for inguinal hernia


The inguinal hernia is a bulge in the groin due to weak muscle, ligament and tendon tissue. Too extreme short-term stress or stress over a long period of time and the resulting wear on the tissue causes tearing and sagging. This sacculation is usually palpable and perceptible and should be checked by the doctor to prevent the abdominal organs from breaking out.

In most cases there is little pain but a feeling of pressure. Enormous pressing, strenuous sports and work should be avoided. For support an abdominal band can be worn.

For top athletes or physical work, a net can be used to close the abdomen with the help of a surgical procedure. Physiotherapy is used to train the stressed abdominal muscles and should only be done when the wound healing has progressed and the net is fixed in the groin. In addition, the doctor should always be consulted. Avoiding too much pressure in the abdomen and too early intensive sports should be avoided at all costs.