Summary | Physiotherapy for Scheuermann’s disease


Scheuermann’s disease is a growth disorder of the spinal column occurring in adolescence and usually leads to the formation of a hunchback. Rarely the lumbar spine is affected, if this is the case, it comes to a reduced lumbar lordosis (hollow back). Physiotherapy is intended to relieve the deformed vertebrae.

This is done by strengthening the straightening back muscles and stretching the front chest muscles. Sports such as swimming help to maintain mobility in Scheuermann’s disease. If severe deformities are detected early on, therapy with a corset can be useful to prevent severe posture problems.

Surgery is rarely performed in cases of severe malpositions with aesthetic consequences, chronic pain or restrictions in respiratory function. Patients with Scheuermann’s disease should control their posture in everyday life and also the load on the spine throughout their lives in order to avoid a deterioration in the statics of the spine.