Sunburn: What to Do?

Sunburn (acute light dermatosis) is a burn caused by UV light. Typical symptoms are a reddened and painful, sometimes itchy skin. In more severe burns, blisters can also form. We reveal whether home remedies such as quark actually help against sunburn and what options there are for medicinal treatment. In addition, you will find valuable tips on how to prevent sunburn.

This is what happens when you get a sunburn

Sunburn is triggered by spending too much time in the sun: it occurs when the skin damage caused by UV light can no longer be compensated by the body’s own repair processes. The UV rays can then penetrate into deeper skin layers and cause the release of inflammatory messenger substances there. In most cases, a sunburn is a first-degree burn, but in severe cases it can also be a second-degree burn. The tricky thing about a sunburn is that the symptoms do not become apparent immediately. Often, the first symptoms do not appear until between four and eight hours after sun exposure. They are usually worst twelve to 36 hours afterward.

Sunburn and skin cancer

Although a sunburn rarely leaves visible traces, our skin remembers every burn. This is because the rays can alter the DNA of the skin cells. If the skin’s repair mechanism becomes overwhelmed over time, such damage can no longer be repaired. The cells can then mutate and form tumors. Sunburns in childhood are considered particularly dangerous. Besides skin cancer, too frequent sunbathing can have other negative consequences. Among other things, the skin’s appearance can worsen and blackheads and large pores can develop. In addition, the elasticity of the skin decreases, which manifests itself in increased wrinkling.

Redness and pain as typical symptoms

A typical symptom of sunburn is severely reddened skin, which often hurts with every movement. The skin may also be slightly swollen and itchy. In severe burns, the skin may also blister. If you suffer from severe discomfort or if there is a severe burn with blistering, you should see a doctor. This is also advisable if any of the following symptoms occur:

  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Headache
  • Fever
  • Chills
  • Neck stiffness

If babies or young children have suffered a sunburn, you should generally always consult a doctor.

Treat a sunburn

If the first symptoms of sunburn appear, you should react immediately. In no case should you wait to see if the sunburn gets worse, or if it remains with a small redness. It is recommended that you take 1,000 milligrams of acetylsalicylic acid at the first signs – for example, when you notice that the skin is taut. The active ingredient inhibits the inflammatory messenger substances and can thus prevent the sunburn from getting worse. Also recommended are gels or lotions with hydrocortisone, which – depending on the dosage – you can get over the counter at the pharmacy. If the symptoms are more severe, such as blistering or fever, you should consult a doctor. He or she can prescribe stronger medication if necessary.

Curd as a home remedy for sunburn

In the case of sunburn, it is important that the skin is cooled sufficiently. This will relieve the pain and inhibit inflammation. However, cold packs from the freezer are rather not suitable for treatment. It is better to use linen cloths that you dip in cold water. Also, drink plenty of fluids – preferably water – as sunburn deprives the skin of a lot of fluid. A popular home remedy for sunburn are compresses with cottage cheese or yogurt. Thanks to their slight coolness, they relieve the pain, but unlike hydrocortisone ointments, they have no anti-inflammatory effect. Moreover, the bacteria in dairy products can cause infections, so it is better to avoid such home remedies. To achieve an anti-inflammatory effect, you can resort to products with chamomile or aloe vera. However, before using an appropriate ointment or cream, test whether you may be allergic to the ingredients.

Prevent a sunburn – 6 tips

With the right behavior and the right sun protection, you can easily prevent a sunburn. To do this, you should follow the tips below:

  1. You can effectively prevent sunburn with sunscreen. However, it is important that you use enough cream. What sun protection factor you need depends mainly on the skin type, the intensity of sun exposure and the duration of sun exposure. Especially when playing sports in or on the water, as well as when staying in the snow, the sun protection factor should be somewhat higher, since the UV light is reflected here particularly strongly.
  2. You can protect your skin from the sun not only with sunscreen, but also by wearing the right clothes. Wear a sun hat in any case in strong sunlight. This will prevent not only sunburn, but also other heat damage such as sunstroke. It also makes sense to wear a T-shirt with long or short sleeves and knee-length shorts. It is also important to wear sunglasses with UV protection, which protects our eyes from the harmful rays.
  3. Avoid the midday sun: from 12 to 14 noon, better still from 11 to 15, you should avoid the sun. In this time, the sun is namely particularly intense and it comes faster to a sunburn. Enjoy the sun therefore better in the morning or in the late afternoon, when the intensity of radiation is somewhat lower.
  4. Do not lie down in the blazing sun, but rather choose a shady spot. About 50 percent of the sun’s radiation reaches us even in the shade: so you get a little slower, but much more gently tan.
  5. If you take medicines with St. John’s wort or antibiotics containing tetracycline, you should refrain from sunbathing in the blazing sun: By the drugs namely the sensitivity to light is increased, which makes the risk of sunburn particularly high.
  6. Note: If it is a bit windy or cloudy, we perceive the intensity of the sun less. Nevertheless, the radiation intensity of the sun – especially in southern countries – is still very high. So remember to put on enough sunscreen even in such situations.

If you have burned, you should definitely avoid the sun in the next few days. Sometimes it can take a week or more until a sunburn has completely subsided.