Sunglasses with prescription

Synonyms in a broader sense

Glasses, lenses, sunglasses

Intended use for sunglasses

Protection from light: Sunglasses and sunglasses with vision are used in everyday life, especially in sunny weather and in summer, to protect the eye from UV radiation and also to reduce the amount of light rays entering the eye. Second is usually leading, since one feels light rays contrary to UV rays directly and these can release a glare effect of the eye. This dazzling effect is caused by the fact that too many light rays pass the eye and the light-regulating aperture (pupil) is no longer sufficient to filter the light.

The result is that too many rays of light irritate the visual cells of the back of the eye. This leads to the well-known glare effect with reflective squeezing of the eyes. This leads to reduced vision and possibly also to headaches.

Every person has an individual sensation of glare. Some feel dazzled by just a few rays of sunlight and others only when the sun is shining intensely. Accordingly, sunglasses are more or less used.

The same applies to sunglasses with prescription. Protection against UV radiation: Filtering the invisible UV radiation is however an almost more important task of sunglasses, as well as sunglasses with prescription. UV rays are not noticed and, if they enter the eye in too large quantities, they can damage the back of the eye and the visual cells.

For this reason, one should never look directly into the sun for long periods of time (both protected and unprotected). For this reason, sunglasses with the latest generation of lenses usually have a UV filtering function in addition to the light ray filtering function. When buying sunglasses with prescription you should always make sure that a highly sufficient UV factor is incorporated into the glasses.

Sunglasses as a fashion accessory: In addition to the above-mentioned rather medical aspects, sunglasses have also conquered the fashion market in recent decades. Initiated by the fashion industry, today sunglasses are often worn on appropriate occasions and in combination with various styles of clothing. Sunglasses for psychological reasons: A pair of sunglasses and sunglasses with a sufficient amount of tint has the property that the wearer can usually perceive his or her surroundings visibly, while the person opposite him or her is usually unable to see the wearer’s eyes.

From a psychological point of view, sunglasses are also often worn, in addition to the above-mentioned reasons, when patients cannot or do not want to withstand the eye contact of the person opposite or have to avoid the gaze. In a pronounced way, these are anxiety disorders, social anxiety, etc. When talking to someone else, sunglasses can thus give the wearer a certain amount of security. However, the conversation partner may again feel insecure because he or she cannot recognize the eyes of the wearer.