Supportive forms of therapy | Speech disorders

Supportive forms of therapy

Speech therapy is a branch of medicine that deals with impairments of speech, voice, speaking, hearing and swallowing. Speech therapists are particularly important for the early diagnosis of childhood impairments that would lead to a disruption of the child’s speech development. It must therefore be recognized when a child speaks too late.

In addition, the cause of the delayed speech development must be found. Often the reason is a hearing loss of the child, which has to be detected and treated as early as possible in order to enable the child to communicate as normally as possible with the environment. Often speech therapists not only deal with the spoken word, they are also consulted if a written language acquisition disorder is present, which used to be called dyslexia.

The age of speech and language therapy patients is wide and includes all age groups. In addition to children with speech and language disorders, we also treat adults who, due to various diseases, have developed problems with speaking. Swallowing therapy is also important for this group of patients, as swallowing disorders are often present.

Occupational therapy is a form of therapy in which targeted, for the individual, meaningful occupation is used to strengthen the affected person so that he or she can cope with everyday life and thus improve the quality of life. Occupational therapy can support the development of speech in addition to a lengthy speech therapy treatment. In this way, the child’s motor skills can be consolidated in a playful way.

Language disorders due to stress

Speech disorders can be triggered by stress. Under certain circumstances, stress can lead to aphasia, which means that the person affected suddenly can no longer speak. This aphasia can occur especially in acute stress situations, such as after a car accident or the loss of a close person.

This aphasia can be temporary or, in very severe cases, permanent. With speech disorders one must differentiate. While stuttering is not caused by stress, stuttering in itself causes stress in the person affected.Rumbling can be triggered by stress situations if it can be suppressed deliberately under normal conditions.