Surgery in the treatment of circulatory disorders | Therapy for circulatory disorders

Surgery in the treatment of circulatory disorders

Surgical methods in the treatment of circulatory disorders depend on the severity of the circulatory disorder and also whether it is an acute vascular occlusion or a permanent reduced blood flow. A more or less surgical intervention is a so-called cardiac catheter examination. In this procedure, the coronary vessels are visualized with the aid of an X-ray procedure and any visible constrictions can be dilated with the aid of so-called stents so that the blood flow to the heart is once again ensured.

If the blood flow is permanently reduced, a bypass is usually the method of choice, regardless of the region of the body. In this case, the doctors create a bypass for the blood flow to bridge the congested or severely narrowed area. Finally, and in very rare cases, so-called thromboses can be surgically removed from blood vessels. Thromboses are blood clots that form in the vessel and cause an abrupt closure.

These home remedies can help

Also in the field of home remedies there are a variety of herbs or heat applications up to acupuncture applications, which are said to improve circulatory problems. Heat treatments all help to dilate the blood vessels of the body. This can be achieved by warm foot baths, for example.

Warming up grain cushions or hot-water bottles can be another way to increase the blood circulation in certain regions. Cold applications such as the so-called Kneipp cure also ensure better blood circulation in the immersed body regions due to the reflective warming that sets in after the cold. On the side of the herbs are for example marigold blossoms or woodruff, which can be infused as tea.

Rosemary oil can be used to rub certain parts of the body and last but not least garlic is said to have an almost vasodilatory effect. It is said to dilate the vessels and reduce the “stiffness” of the vessel walls. Tebonin® is the trade name of a drug based on ginkgo leaf extract.

However, there are also numerous other ginkgo-based preparations, almost all of which bear the term “Ginkgo” in their names.The mode of action of such preparations can be compared to that of blood thinners such as ASS100 or Marcumar, as they also influence blood clotting, i.e. make the blood thinner, so to speak. This enables the blood to pass through narrow spots more easily and reduces the risk of blood clots, or thromboses, forming. In addition, the ginkgo extract is said to increase the ability to think.

However, the blood-thinning effect only occurs when the product is taken over several weeks. Compared to other drugs that have a blood-thinning effect, there are no antidotes available for the Ginkgo extract. In the case of an injury with heavy bleeding, this can become a problem because the bleeding is heavier than normal and this can only be controlled within days. Although there are means to thicken the blood again in an emergency, not every ambulance is equipped with these means.