Surgical therapy | The Haglund – Heel

Surgical therapy

Despite the various conservative options, the conservative measures are often only temporarily helpful. In order to eliminate the pain and inflammation permanently, the actual cause must be removed. This can be done in the course of an operation.

If the heel bone is severely deformed, it often has to be surgically reduced in size. This involves narrowing the heel bone and removing the bone protrusion. An inflamed bursa can be removed at the same time as the Haglund heel.

A minimally invasive method is the endoscopic removal of the calcaneal spur. Due to the small access path, healing usually proceeds without complications. Since the Achilles tendon insertion and the plantar tendon are in the direct vicinity of the surgical site, the operation is very demanding and should only be performed by experienced surgeons.

Aftercare – what to pay attention to?

There are various insoles that can relieve the heel and thus ease the pain. There are basically two different types of insoles: Both forms of insoles, however, cannot reduce the heel spur, but only improve the pain symptoms and the inflammation situation somewhat. In any case, soft and roomy shoes should be worn for a Haglund’s heel in order to avoid putting too much strain on the heel.

A heel height increase of about 1cm can also help to relieve the Achilles tendon at the heel and ease the pain. In the case of an upper heel spur, there are special pads, the so-called “Haglund pads”, which especially protect the heel area and reduce the inflammation. The cushion serves to protect the heel from pressure points which can occur through the shoe.

The cushion protects the heel from the upper edge of the shoe and reduces pain.It also prevents the heel from rubbing against the shoe. This friction is an important cause for the development of an inflammation at the heel. The padding allows the inflammation to subside somewhat and no new friction is generated.

In addition, the cushion can reduce the strain on the Achilles tendon somewhat and thereby also relieve the pain and inflammation. In order for the padding to have a real benefit, it is important to wear it in every shoe.

  • Shoe insoles with a recess in the heel area to reduce pressure on the heel. They prevent rubbing or pressure on the rear edge of the shoe.
  • Insoles to support the longitudinal arch of the foot serve primarily to support the foot when walking and prevent the formation of a flat foot. This is one of the most common reasons for the development of a Haglund’s heel and can thus prevent a worsening of the symptoms.