Swollen glans


The glans generally refers to the foremost part of the male member. This region is very sensitive and is supplied with numerous nerves. This is also where the urethra opens. In general, however, a swelling is an expression of an increased accumulation of fluid in the tissue and is one of the classic five signs of inflammation. Swelling of the glans can be caused by a variety of factors (allergies, infections, traumas) and should be examined by a doctor if it persists for a long time.


There are many different clinical pictures that can be considered as the cause of a swollen glans. For example, swelling can be caused by an allergic reaction to latex in condoms. In addition, insect bites at this point can also be a possible cause of swelling.

But inflammatory processes in particular are fundamental for swelling in the area of the glans. These inflammatory processes can be triggered by different conditions depending on age. In childhood, inflammation of the glans develops mainly because the foreskin is still fused to the glans and secretions can accumulate in skin folds, which can serve as a breeding ground for bacteria.

With the onset of puberty and sexuality, sexual intercourse or masturbation is the most common option. From this point on, swelling of the glans, which occurs with further complaints, can also be triggered by sexually transmitted diseases. In older men, the inflammation is often also triggered by other underlying diseases, such as diabetes. In addition, pathogens can also penetrate more easily in older patients due to the thinning skin barrier.

Associated symptoms

The symptoms in addition to the swelling provide further clues that may be important in making a correct diagnosis. In the genital area, sexually transmitted diseases must also always be considered, bacteria and viruses that are transmitted during unprotected sexual intercourse and can cause disease. In the case of inflammatory processes, a smear should be taken to determine the pathogen precisely.

Itching on the glans can be a further symptom of inflammation of the glans (balanitis), but it can also be caused by fungal infections of the penis. These infectious events can be transmitted to the partner through intimate contact, which is why partner therapy should be carried out and a condom used as a precautionary measure. But the pathogens of sexually transmitted diseases also cause itching.

Chlamydia is one of the most common. A reddening of the glans can initially be an expression of over-stimulation. Mechanical stress can damage the glans if its natural protective film is worn away by heavy strain.

Furthermore, redness is also an expression of inflammatory processes. A painfully reddened and swollen glans is the main symptom of balanitis, the inflammation of the glans. In addition, those affected also suffer from itching and malodorous discharge from the penis.

The retraction of the foreskin and urination are complicated by the swelling. Another possible cause of redness is fungal infection of the glans, although the redness is raised and whitish in color. Itching also occurs with fungal infections.

In addition to redness, the glans can also turn blue, for example in the case of existing narrowing of the foreskin. If the purulent discharge has its origin in the urethra and, in addition, a burning sensation when urinating, it is possible that the affected person has become infected with the bacterium that causes gonorrhea (gonorrhea) during unprotected sexual intercourse. A purulent discharge from the urethra can be a symptom of a urinary tract infection, although this is less common in men than in women and usually occurs only at an advanced age.

If the pus comes from the glans itself, one must look for injuries or ulcers. If these pus secrete, this is a sign that they have become inflamed. Pusy secretions or weeping or watery discharge can also be a sign of inflammation of the glans (balanitis).

Occasionally, blisters form on the glans. Another clinical picture is genital herpes, in which fluid-filled blisters form. When these blisters burst, there is also a watery-purulent discharge.

Swollen lymph nodes are usually a sign that a process is taking place in neighboring regions that activates the immune system. This can be an inflammatory process, but also a malignant process.The differentiation can be made on the basis of lymph node morphology. The lymph nodes in the drainage area of the limb are located in the abdominal cavity or in the groin.

There, even in healthy patients, a fairly large lymph node is usually palpable, but it should not be painful due to pressure. However, if it hurts when pressing on it, this is a sign that the lymph node is currently under stress due to an inflammation or other process. The sexually transmitted disease syphilis (Lues) causes ulcers on the limb as well as lymph node swelling in neighbouring regions.

In addition, swollen inguinal lymph nodes are also observed in genital herpes. Pain occurs in the case of swelling of the glans of various origins, because the glans is very strongly innervated. Inflammation of the glans (balanitis) can cause pain, which can also occur at rest or when urinating.

The pain associated with paraphimosis is more severe than the pain of an inflammation of the glans. This urological emergency causes very severe pain and requires rapid medical treatment, since the glans and foreskin are in this case at vital risk. During the therapy of the swelling of the glans, the pain should decrease.

Painkillers can be taken to alleviate the symptoms. Due to circumcision, the glans initially lacks its protective foreskin. In the first few days, the glans is protected from a bandage, which is quickly removed.

Hypersensitive reactions are normal. In the following days, swelling and bruising may occur on the entire limb, including the glans. The swelling can be reduced by cooling the limb, if necessary light painkillers can be taken.

To avoid infections, regular dressing changes are important, as are daily baths for the limb, which have a disinfectant effect. Chamomile is often used as a bath additive. A swelling of the glans is normal in the first one to two weeks after circumcision, depending on the individual wound healing it goes down faster or later. A further control visit to the urologist serves to control the healing process and to avert possible complications, such as a wound infection, at an early stage. During the healing phase, however, you should consult your doctor with confidence if any inflammations or fears or questions arise.