Symptoms | Abdominal pain during pregnancy


A slight pulling in the lower abdomen, similar to that during menstruation, without bleeding is usually harmless and merely a sign of changes in the uterus. Nevertheless, this should also be confirmed by a doctor to avoid abortion. Especially a too low amount of pregnancy hormones can cause contractions of the uterus and possibly lead to a miscarriage.

If pain occurs in the later part of the pregnancy, a distinction must usually be made between child movements, exercise contractions and premature labour. Kicks of the child against the abdominal wall or an unfavourable position of the child can be very painful, especially if the space in the abdomen is significantly reduced. However, if the mother’s position is changed or the baby is repositioned, the pain usually stops.

This type of pain is also different from contractions, as the pain does not occur regularly and can last much shorter or be ended by repositioning the child. Exercising contractions are normal, especially in the third part of pregnancy, and are used to prepare the uterus for delivery. However, they are not relevant to childbirth and do not lead to the opening of the cervix.

Just like real birth pangs, these are contractions which are accompanied by a hardening of the abdomen. They differ from birth-relevant contractions in that they only last a maximum of 45 seconds and do not occur more than 3 times per hour. A CTG can be taken at the gynaecologist or in hospital to make an exact distinction.

This shows both the contractions and the heart activity of the child. Abdominal pain during pregnancy is not unusual and in most cases completely harmless. However, cramps and/or abdominal pain that occur during pregnancy can have serious causes and make a prompt visit to the doctor unavoidable.

As a rule, most women assume that abdominal pain during pregnancy is directly related to the growing of the child. However, abdominal pain during pregnancy can have completely different causes. Special care should be taken with pain and/or cramps during pregnancy that occur suddenly and have a sharp/prickly quality.

Pregnancy-associated abdominal pain, i.e. pain that is directly related to pregnancy, is perceived by most women particularly frequently on the right side. The reason for the occurrence of these abdominal pains on the right side is usually an overstrain of various structures. While the child is growing up in the womb, muscles, ligaments, tendons, vessels and organs are affected in a special way.

In particular, the individual ligaments within the abdominal cavity are severely stretched during pregnancy. For this reason, intermittent abdominal and lower abdominal pain may occur throughout pregnancy (see: Pain in the abdomen during pregnancy). The fact that these complaints are mainly observed on the right side can be explained by the fact that the uterus (uterus) shifts slightly to the right during pregnancy.

The strain on the ligaments, tendons and muscles is therefore particularly pronounced on the right side. To counteract frequent abdominal pain on the right side, women should make sure that they get enough exercise during pregnancy. In the case of acute abdominal pain on the right side, the expectant mother should sit down if possible and adopt a relaxed position.

In addition, the woman affected by abdominal pain should lie down during the acute pain phase. Many pregnant women find the inclination of the body towards the unaffected side of the body particularly pleasant. However, if abdominal pain occurs during pregnancy, especially on the right side, organic causes should also be clarified.

This is particularly recommended if there is no improvement despite a rest period or if the symptoms increase in intensity with increasing pregnancy. Abdominal pain during pregnancy, which is felt on the right side, can be caused by diseases of the gall bladder, among other things. The severe impairment of the hormone balance can, for example, lead to the formation of gallstones and a consequent obstruction of the bile ducts.

In addition, abdominal pain on the right side during pregnancy can be caused by an inflammation of the gallbladder. In addition, right-sided abdominal pain during pregnancy, which occurs mainly in the lower abdomen, can be a sign of appendicitis, just as in non-pregnant women. Abdominal pain during pregnancy can also be caused on the left side by excessive stretching of ligaments, tendons and muscles.

Although the uterus usually tends to tilt slightly to the right after the fertilised egg has been implanted, some women show a shift to the left. Especially at the beginning of pregnancy, many expectant mothers experience abdominal pain on the left side. In most cases, this pain is a completely harmless symptom that requires no medical intervention whatsoever.

Colloquially, in connection with abdominal pain that is perceived on the left (or right) side in early pregnancy, one speaks of an indication of stretching of the “mother’s ligaments”. In the final analysis, this means nothing more than that the position of the uterus changes and space is made for the child to grow up. In addition, abdominal pain on the left side can be triggered in the first weeks of pregnancy by the change in hormone balance.

If the complaints occur more frequently or increase in intensity, a specialist should be consulted promptly and the cause of the complaints clarified. In some cases, the cause of abdominal pain on the left (or right) side is a so-called ectopic pregnancy. In this clinical picture, after fertilisation of the egg, a faulty implantation within the fallopian tube occurs.

An ectopic pregnancy is a potentially life-threatening situation, as the tearing of the affected fallopian tube leads to severe bleeding. Also on the left side such abdominal pain can occur during pregnancy, which basically has nothing to do with the growth of the child. This is another reason why recurring abdominal pain on the left side should be urgently clarified medically.

Abdominal pain on the left can be caused by diseases of the left kidney, for example. An impairment of the right kidney would lead to abdominal pain on the right in pregnant women. In this context the expectant mother should pay attention to additional symptoms.

Inflammation of the kidneys and/or the urinary tract usually causes severe problems when urinating. An examination of the urine can give an indication of the presence of a bacterial infection within a few minutes. In addition, abdominal pain on the left side can also be an expression of inflammatory processes in the area of the large intestine or an infection of the gastrointestinal tract during pregnancy.

Other reasons for the development of abdominal pain during pregnancy that occur on the left or right side of the navel are

  • Tubal inflammation
  • Diverticulitis
  • Ureteral stones
  • Inflammation of the pancreas (pancreatitis)
  • Diseases of the spleen
  • Ovarian cysts in pregnancy

Upper abdominal pain in pregnancy is nothing unusual. However, if the pain persists over a longer period of time, a doctor should be consulted for clarification and safety. If the persistent pain is pain in the right upper abdomen, the doctor in charge of treatment will clarify whether a so-called HELLP syndrome is present.

In HELLP syndrome there is increased blood coagulation and a greater breakdown of red blood cells. This leads to the formation of blood clots, which cause damage, especially in the liver, so that the liver values increase. Since the liver is located in the right upper abdomen, abdominal pain in the right upper abdomen can be a symptom of liver capsule tension.

HELLP syndrome typically occurs as a pregnancy complication in the third trimester of pregnancy. Upper abdominal pain on the left side may be indicative of kidney inflammation, for example. However, the cause is often quite harmless and the upper abdominal pain is a sign of constipation often associated with pregnancy. But a strong kick of the child in the direction of the pregnant woman’s stomach can also be the cause.