Symptoms accompanying the abscess in the face | Facial abscess

Symptoms accompanying the abscess in the face

An abscess in the face presents as a circumscribed swelling that can fluctuate. This means that when the abscess is palpated, the pus inside moves back and forth. The corresponding area is reddened and overheated.

Usually there is severe pain, which can also be throbbing. In addition, it can lead to fever, chills and a general feeling of illness. This is an absolute warning signal, which indicates that the pathogens causing the disease are spreading via the bloodstream (threatening blood poisoning).

Headaches as an accompanying symptom of an abscess in the face are also a threatening sign and should always be the reason for a visit to the doctor. As the pathogens can spread via the bloodstream into the veins of the brain in the case of a facial abscess, a so-called sinus vein thrombosis is possible. This leads to the formation of a clot in the brain‘s own veins, which is accompanied by headache and fever.

Furthermore, small injuries of the facial skin or diseases like acne and neurodermatitis can give an indication of the cause of the abscess. An abscess in the face is in most cases associated with pain. On the one hand this is due to the tension of the tissue caused by the accumulation of pus and on the other hand to the inflammation of the skin tissue.

The pain can be throbbing and may occur spontaneously or when touched. The use of painkillers such as ibuprofen may become necessary. Surgical “cutting” (excision, puncture, removal of the abscess) often leads to a rapid reduction in pain because the tension is relievedHeadaches that occur in the face as part of an abscess are always an absolute warning signal.

Especially when manipulating abscesses in the midface (by independent “squeezing”), it can happen that the pathogens from the abscess reach adjacent veins of the facial skin. These in turn lead to larger veins in the area of the brain, where the pathogens can form clots and thus lead to so-called sinus vein thrombosis. This is a serious clinical picture that is accompanied by headaches and fever.

Later, epileptic seizures, impaired vision and paralysis can also occur. For this reason, on the one hand, manipulation of abscesses in the facial area should be avoided at all costs and, on the other hand, a doctor should be consulted immediately if symptoms such as headaches or fever occur. Bacteria such as staphylococci are usually responsible for an abscess on the chin.

It is not uncommon for minor skin injuries to occur when shaving the chin, which allow the bacteria to penetrate under the skin surface. Under unfavourable conditions, an encapsulated accumulation of pus, an abscess, can develop on the chin. This can lead to severe pain and a reddened, purulent swelling on the chin.

Pustules as part of acne can also lead to abscesses on the chin. In addition, the hair roots of the facial hair in the chin area can become inflamed. If this inflammation spreads and encapsulates the pus accumulation, an abscess also develops.

Finally, abscesses in the chin area can also be caused by inflammatory changes in the teeth of the lower jaw. Therefore, the oral area including the tooth status should always be inspected when determining the cause. An abscess on the nose is caused by bacteria like staphylococci.

These bacteria inhabit the normal facial skin of a healthy person and can get under the skin surface through minor injuries such as abrasions. An abscess is formed by an encapsulating accumulation of pus. An abscess can also be caused by an inflammation of the hair follicles on the nose.

In addition, pus pimples can develop into an abscess as part of acne. Regardless of the cause, there is a circumscribed swelling on the nose, which is often reddened. In the centre of the bump there is often a whitish spot that represents the accumulation of pus.

An abscess on the nose is usually accompanied by pain, usually the affected area is overheated and also often throbs. Particularly in the case of abscesses on the nose, it is essential to avoid expressing and manipulating the abscess, as the bacteria can otherwise be carried over blood vessels into the brain. This can lead to life-threatening sinus vein thrombosis.

In sinus vein thrombosis, a blood clot can occlude a cerebral vein. As a result, the blood volume increases because it can no longer flow through the vein. The pressure in the brain increases and edema and infarcts (death of tissue in the brain) can occur.

Abscesses often develop in the facial area around the lips. Especially at the transition from the red of the lips to the facial skin, sebaceous glands are found which can become inflamed when blocked and can thus lead to an accumulation of pus. The hair follicles of the hair at the transition to the lip can also become inflamed.

As a result, a purulent, painful bulge develops in the area of the lip. Even small injuries caused by shaving can lead to the penetration of bacteria and thus to pus accumulation. Especially in the area of the upper lip there is a risk of the germs being carried over into blood vessels of the brain with the danger of sinus vein thrombosis.

Sinus vein thrombosis leads to the closure of cerebral veins with serious symptoms. Edema develops and brain cells can die. For this reason, it is absolutely necessary to refrain from expressing the abscess!

An abscess in the forehead area can, for example, occur in the context of acne. An inflammation of the hair follicles of the fine hairs on the forehead can also cause an abscess. As in the rest of the face, it is important to refrain from expressing yourself.

Otherwise, the germs can be carried by the bloodstream to the brain with sometimes dramatic consequences. Abscesses in the area of the cheek impress as painful, reddened and overheated boils. They often develop as larger pus pimples in the context of acne.

The inflammation or ingrowth of hairs in the cheek area can also lead to the formation of abscesses. In addition, an inflammation in the area of the upper or lower jaw can cause an abscess formation of the cheek. For this reason, the oral cavity and tooth status should always be checked as well. Since a carry-over of germs from an abscess in the cheek area via the bloodstream to the brain is possible, it should be avoided.