Symptoms of a Baker’s Cyst in the Knee

A Baker cyst is a fluid-filled cyst in the back of the knee. It often forms as a result of chronic knee disease. A typical symptom is a swelling in the popliteal fossa that is usually easily palpable. As a rule, a Baker cyst can be treated conservatively with anti-inflammatory ointments. If the symptoms still do not subside, surgery should be considered.

Knee damage as the cause

A Baker’s cyst usually develops as a result of chronic disease of the knee. These include meniscal damage or rheumatism. If there is damage or irritation in the area of the knee, the body tries to compensate by producing more synovial fluid. This creates a higher internal pressure in the joint, the connective tissue in the area slackens, and a fluid-filled cyst can form.

Baker’s cyst primarily affects people in middle or old age. Sporadically, however, the condition can also occur in children.

Symptoms of a Baker cyst

A Baker cyst is usually easily palpable. How pronounced the swelling is depends, among other things, on the physical activity. The more active the affected person is, the more pronounced the complaints are usually namely.

Often, those affected also complain of movement restrictions in the knee. If the cyst presses on the surrounding nerve tracts and blood vessels, sensory disturbances can occur in the feet. If the cyst ruptures, pain in the knee becomes noticeable and is further aggravated when pressure is applied.

Treating a Baker cyst

If a Baker cyst does not cause discomfort, treatment is usually not necessary. If discomfort occurs, anti-inflammatory medications containing diclofenac or ibuprofen may be used. In rare cases, cortisone injections may also be administered. However, these are controversial due to possible side effects. If conservative therapy shows no effect, the Baker cyst can be surgically removed.

However, more important than treating the Baker cyst itself is treating the underlying cause. Otherwise, the cyst may recur again and again. For example, if the cyst is the result of meniscal damage, that should also be treated.