Symptoms | Coccyx pain after birth


The complaints of the coccyx after birth are most noticeable by the pain and difficulties in sitting. Often the pain is not noticed until late, because especially after the first birth it is assumed that the pain is “normal” after this effort. The pain becomes more obvious after a while if it does not improve.

In addition, there is often a restriction when sitting. This is because the pain is so severe in many mothers that the sitting position is too irritating for the painful coccyx. Often this is also expressed in the fact that sitting for a longer period of time is no longer possible.

Depending on the severity of the pain, it can sometimes be relieved by cushions or seat cushions. Depending on whether a bruise, dislocation or even a fracture is present, the pain is of varying intensity. In extreme cases, a fracture can also lead to visible signs such as bone splinters or a loud cracking sound. In such cases a doctor should always be consulted immediately.


If coccyx pain persists for several weeks after birth and shows no improvement, a doctor should be consulted. The patient’s medical history, i.e. the doctor-patient consultation, and the examination of the painful area play an important role. In addition, finding the cause of the pain is also a priority. Therefore, if there are indications of a fracture of the coccyx, an x-ray should be taken so that the bones can be assessed.

What helps against coccyx pain after birth?

There are several ways to treat coccyx pain after birth. If one method does not provide sufficient improvement, another can be tried or both options can be combined. Certainly the simplest treatment option is a so-called sitting ring, which allows for a very relieving sitting position for the coccyx.

There are also various pelvic belts that relieve the coccyx of strain. You should visit a specialist store to find the right option. Physiotherapy can also be very helpful.

Depending on the severity of the complaints, massages or exercises can be performed. The latter are in most cases additionally important with regard to strengthening the strained muscles. In addition, physiotherapy can correct any incorrect posture through exercises, which can also be relevant with regard to a possible next pregnancy to avoid pain.An electrotherapy, also called TENS, helps to stimulate possibly damaged nerves via small electrodes that are applied to the coccyx area.

In case of severe pain, painkillers such as ibuprofen should be taken if necessary. If the pain already exists during pregnancy, it must be clarified beforehand which drugs are suitable. Osteopathy is another option for treating coccyx pain after birth.

It is particularly suitable if the coccyx has been dislocated during birth. This is an incorrect position of the coccyx, which causes pain and prevents the joint between the coccyx and the sacrum above it from functioning properly. This is where the concept of osteopathy comes into play, which says that the body can heal itself if all parts of the body are well mobile.

The osteopathic treatment is performed anally with the hand. A finger (with a special glove) is inserted through the anus, as this allows the coccyx to be well covered. By using different positions and positions, the right position for the coccyx is found, which allows the tissue to relax. Although this treatment is somewhat unpleasant, it is usually painless and usually very successful. There are many reports that the pain disappears after a treatment session.